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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Statewide Video Contest

Dear Fifth/Sixth Grade Educators:

We invite your classrooms to participate in Illinois EPA’s Video Contest. The theme of the 2025 competition is “How Can You Slash Your Trash?”, inviting students to think creatively about how to reduce the amount of waste they produce. This could include buying fewer/eliminating single-use products; composting food waste; repairing broken items instead of replacing; and recycling objects that cannot be re-used or repaired. 

The top three winners will receive classroom certificates and a science kit. You could also receive recognition on social media!

We believe that the creation of this video will give your students an opportunity to express and share what they have learned on a deeper and more personal level using their creative and artistic abilities. The media portion also draws broader attention to the different ways we can all contribute to reducing our environmental impacts.

Additional details about the competition are available for download below. The “Participation Packet” includes the competition rules and required forms that need to be included with each entry. Please see below for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Morris ( or Eli Dollarhide ( We look forward to receiving your submissions.


Contest Materials:

Participation Packet – Including guidelines, entry and release forms. Please note a signature is required on the release form and all fields must be completed.


Exhibit timetable is as follows:

January 2025

Educators introduce one or both of the Illinois EPA’s curriculum units on waste management (see below). Discuss the amount of garbage thrown away individually and collectively, why that causes problems, and how students can reduce the amount of trash thrown away. 

January 2025
Students create a video relating to the theme focus: How can you slash your trash? 

February 3
Teachers post their video on YouTube then submit the entry form with YouTube link and release form to Illinois EPA for judging. Entries must be submitted electronically by February 3, 2025. Submit entries to

February 2025

April 2025
Winners announced


Informational resources can be found on the following web sites: