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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Agriculture Waste & Disposal

For farms, families, and businesses alike there are proper and improper ways to dispose of waste. In order to make sure that used tires, empty pesticide containers, or a host of other common wastes are safely disposed of, please review the below information.

Burn Barrels and Open Burning (Ag Waste Burning, Sec. 237.101)

Defined as the “combustion of any matter in the open or in an open dump” (415 ILCS 5/3.300), open burning has become a common trash disposal method in parts of Illinois for years. For more information, please visit the Open Burning Page.


State laws and environmental regulations governing Composting in Illinois apply based on the waste type, the source of the waste and the location of the compost facility. Different regulations and State laws apply to organic waste composting, landscape waste composting, livestock waste and livestock mortality composting and sewage sludge composting in Illinois. The IEPA also provides basic information about the types of permits available.

  • Livestock waste generated and applied on the same farm may be composted under normal agricultural practices without a permit from the Illinois EPA.
  • Landscape waste used on agricultural crop farms may be exempt if:
  • Composting animal mortalities on the farm is subject to the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s regulations under the Dead Animal Disposal Act.
  • Sewage sludge composting is regulated under Illinois EPA water pollution control regulations and is subject to permit.

Clean Construction and Demolition Debris

Please visit our Clean Construction and Demolition Debris page to find information on waste disposal for construction and demolition items.

Dead Animal Disposal Act

The Illinois Department of Agriculture enforces regulations concerning animal welfare, so for further information, please visit their site. Animal welfare officials also respond to complaints concerning a variety of animal issues, including the improper disposal of dead animals. 

Empty Pesticide Containers

The Illinois Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Container Recycling Program offers permanent and single-day container collection sites. The container recycling schedule, listing of permanent collection sites and information about preparing pesticide containers.

Illegal Dumping

Abandoned piles of garbage and other refuse, known as open dumps, pose a risk to public health and safety and the environment. Please review the “Illegal Dumping” page for more information about reporting and protecting against illegal dumping.

Private Sewage Systems and Septic Tanks

The Illinois Department of Public Health produces a number of fact sheets about private sewage systems. 

Used Oil

Used oil must be properly disposed or recycled. Used oil should not be used for weed or dust control or burned on bush piles. Improper use or disposal of used oil can contaminate wells, streams and lakes. Fact sheets are available that provide information on the proper management of used oil.

Recycling information is available at the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s web site.