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Permitting, Forms, and Fees
Permitting Overview
Provides a general description of permits issued by the Illinois EPA and links related to permitting, including the Permit Tracking System.
Provides information regarding all fees implemented by the Illinois EPA.
Public Notices
Provides a listing of all public notices issued by the Illinois EPA.
Statutes and Regulations
Links to environmental laws and rules
Expedited Permitting
Provides information on the expedited permitting process
Permit Annual Summary
Provides information annually reported by the Illinois EPA by type of permit issued.
Bureau of Air Forms
Related Air Pages
Bureau of Land Forms
Related Land Pages
Bureau of Water Forms
Related Water Pages
Having Trouble Opening These Forms?: These forms must be opened using Acrobat Reader. If you click on one of these links and get a message that starts with "Please wait...", then your computer is trying to use the web browser rather than Acrobat Reader to open the file. In that case, do this:
1. Right-click on the link and select "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." to save the file.
2. Start Acrobat Reader.
3. In Acrobat Reader's menu, select "File", then "Open" to open the saved file.