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Air Permits
Does My Business Need An Air Pollution Control Permit?
Air pollution consists of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO), volatile organic material (VOM), hazardous air pollutants (HAP), green house gas (GHG), and lead (Pb). Therefore, equipment emitting any of these pollutants needs to be evaluated for purposes of Air Permits.
Air Permit Applications and Guidance
After you have determined that you need an Air Pollution Control Permit (and type of Permit) based on the Section above, Air Permit Applications are provided below for everyone who is required to obtain an Air Permit.
- Forms for the Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP)
Annual Emission Reports
Information that may assist regulated sources compile their annual emissions report.
Open Burning Permit Applications and Guidance
Permit Tracking System
Do you want to review the status of your pending application? The Illinois EPA has provided an Air Permit Tracking System to assist.
Public Notices - Bureau of Air
Additional Information