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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Permitting Overview

The Illinois EPA is responsible for protecting and enhancing the quality of air, land, and water resources. It is the Illinois EPA's priority to enhance air quality, reduce contamination of the land through prevention and cleanup, and to have clean and safe water.

In addition to the ability to search individual permits, and pursuant to Public Act 98-237, you can view the Annual Posting of Permit Information.

By Illinois requiring permits, it ensures that all federal and state environmental standards are being achieved. The Illinois EPA is comprised of three bureaus which require permitting.

Bureau of Air

Does your business have equipment that emits air pollution? Does your business operate equipment that uses natural gas or other types of fuels? Does your business use solvents, cleaning materials, or other chemicals? Does your buisness have coating equipment, printing equipment, or other industrial equipment? Then it is possible that you are required to have an Air Pollution Control Permit.

Bureau of Land

If you store, transfer, treat or dispose of municipal or industrial waste, then you may need a permit from the Bureau of Land for these activities. In addition, you will need a permit or approval from the Illinois EPA if you are going to: (1) beneficially use a material that would otherwise be a waste; (2) receive clean construction and demolition debris to fill in a current/former quarry, mine or other excavation; or (3) receive uncontaminated soil to fill in a current/former quarry, mine or other excavation. The link below will assist you with obtaining these permits/approvals:

Bureau of Water

Are you constructing a sewer, water main, wastewater lift station, industrial pretreatment system, municipal or industrial treatment plant, drinking water treatment plant, or are you modifying any of these systems or facilities? Are you proposing to land apply sludge or spray irrigate with treated or untreated wastewater? Do you or will you discharge wastewater (treated or untreated) to a water of the State? Does your site discharge stormwater associated with industrial or construction site activities? If so, you may require a permit from the Bureau of Water.

Permit Tracking System

Do you want to review the status of your pending application? The Illinois EPA has provided a  Permit Tracking System to assist.

Status Report on General Permits

A July 12, 2011 amendment to the Illinois Environmental Protection Act allows the Illinois EPA to issue general permits for the construction, installation, or operation of some categories of facilities provided that such permits are consistent with state and federal laws and regulations.

The Illinois EPA is required to work with the regulated community to identify types of permits for which general permits would be appropriate.

The Illinois EPA has issued a status report to summarize the efforts of the Agency in this regard.

Status Report on Permits by Rule

The Permit Streamlining Law enacted in July 2011 included a new Section of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act that authorized the Illinois Pollution Control Board to adopt rules for permits by classes of facilities or equipment, as long as they were consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. It also required the Illinois EPA to consult with the regulated community and within one year identify types of permits for which permits by rule would be appropriate. This is the first status report on the results of those consultations.

The Illinois EPA has issued a status report to summarize the efforts of the Illinois EPA in this regard.