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Drinking Water & Water Quality
Drinking Water
Drinking Water
Information for public water users & private well users, drinking water operator certification, and more
Public Water Users
Drinking water permitting and compliance information, groundwater quality protection, and groundwater contamination notices
Private Well Users
Well water testing, common contaminants, well maintenance, septic system maintenance, location & construction of new wells, and groundwater contamination notices
Drinking Water Watch
Information regarding the water quality of community water supplies
Safe Water Wells Initiative
Information regarding common contaminants that affect drinking water sources
Regulations & laws, notifications, and more
Water Quality
Bureau of Water (main page)
Information for public water users & private well users, drinking water operator certification, and more
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Section 319 projects, Livestock Facility Investigation Annual Reports, and more
Harmful Algal Blooms
Information regarding Algal Blooms (HABs), reporting HABs, monitoring HABs, and the statewide HAB program
Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy
Information regarding state efforts to improve water quality at home and downstream by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus levels in our lakes, streams, and rivers.
Lake Notes Fact Sheets
Fact sheets about aquatic exotics, determining your lake's watershed, Illinois lakeshore birds, shoreline stabilization, pressure treated wood, zebra mussels, waterborne pathogens, and more
Source Water Assessment and Protection
Information regarding protection of public water supply sources
Source Water Assessment and Protection Web Mapping Tool
Inventory of private wells and public water systems
Statutes & Regulations
Wastewater regulations, drinking water regulations, groundwater, and more