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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.


Right-to-Know (RTK) legislation was developed in 2002, 2006, and 2009 to inform the public when contamination poses a threat of exposure. RTK laws were initially developed in response to groundwater contamination:

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Office of Community Relations oversees the RTK program. Community relations activities inform the public about off-site threats of exposure from soil, soil gas, or groundwater contamination.

Forms of notification may include public notices, Fact Sheets, Q & A documents, community relation plans, public meetings, press releases, document repositories, emails, and phone calls. Notification typically includes information about the contamination, the potential human health effects associated with exposure to the contamination, and any recommendations, such as the need to test water wells.

Notification to Private Water Well Users

The 2002 Right-to-Know law requires the Illinois EPA to notify the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the unit of local government affected when any volatile organic compound is detected in a Community Water System (CWS) at a concentration above the Class I groundwater quality standard. 

IDPH is then required to notify private water well users within the area potentially affected by the identified contamination. Public notices are issued by means of electronic or print media to inform private water well users of the contamination and the need for water testing. The public notice must appear in the media for three consecutive weeks. 

Notification to Offsite Property Owners

The 2006 Right-to-Know law requires public notification when contamination extends beyond the boundary of a site where a release has occurred. To implement this law, the Illinois EPA developed regulations (35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 1600) that include standards and requirements for performing: (1) potable water supply well surveys, and (2) community relations activities to notify and establish communication with the public who may be affected by contamination. 

Potable water supply well surveys ensure potable wells are accurately identified and located to determine the potential impacts to these wells from contamination.

Community relations activities include distribution and implementation of notices, contact lists, Fact Sheets, community relation plans, and establishment & maintenance of document repositories. 

Notification to Community Water System Users

The 2009 Right-to-Know law requires CWS owners and operators to notify all end users when groundwater contamination poses a threat of exposure above the Class I groundwater quality standards. This law establishes methods of notification and strict time frames for meeting the required notifications:

  • Within two days after determining that groundwater contamination poses a threat of exposure to the public, the Illinois EPA must issue a press release. 
  • Within five days, the Illinois EPA must provide notice to the owner and operator of the CWS. Within five business days after receiving a notice from the Illinois EPA, the owner or operator of the CWS must notify its users and owners of premises connected to the affected system.
  • Within seven days after issuing the notices, the owner or operator of the CWS must provide proof to the Illinois EPA that notices have been issued. 

Illinois EPA Right-to-Know Program Coordinator

Jeff Guy
Illinois EPA Office of Community Relations 
2520 W Iles Ave, P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62702
Phone: (217) 785-8724

Related Information and Resources

Environmental Protection Act
Illinois’ primary statute for establishing a unified, state-wide program for restoring, protecting, and enhancing the quality of the environment, and to assure that adverse effects upon the environment are fully considered and borne by those who cause them.

Public Water Users
Drinking water permitting and compliance information, groundwater quality protection, and groundwater contamination notices

Private Well Users
Well water testing, common contaminants, well maintenance, septic system maintenance, location & construction of new wells, and groundwater contamination notices

Drinking Water Watch 
Information regarding the water quality of community water supplies

Source Water Assessment and Protection Program
Information regarding protection of public water supply sources

Source Water Assessment and Protection Web Mapping Tool 
Inventory of private wells and public water systems    

Groundwater Quality Standards
(35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 620)

RTK Regulations 
(Standards and Requirements for Potable Water Well Surveys and For Community Relations Activities - 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 1600)