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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Bureau of Water

Bureau of Water Recent News

The Illinois EPA has issued COVID-19 Guidance to Community Water Systems and Wastewater Treatment Systems.

The Bureau of Water is committed to ensuring that Illinois’ rivers, streams, and lakes will support all uses for which they are designated including protection of aquatic life, recreation, drinking water supply and fish consumption.  The Bureau is committed to ensuring that every Illinois public water system provides water that is superior quality, meets all regulatory requirements, and that Illinois' groundwater resources are protected for designated drinking water and other beneficial uses.  To accomplish this mission, the Bureau monitors the quality of the state’s surface and groundwater resources; runs a municipal, stormwater, and industrial effluent permitting program; administers a permit program for community water supplies; regularly inspects sources of water pollution and drinking water treatment facilities; responds to citizen complaints; insures compliance with regulatory standards; and enforces applicable regulatory requirements.  To assist, the Bureau provides a number of loan and grant programs designed to upgrade existing and build new wastewater, stormwater treatment and public water supply infrastructure, reduce nonpoint source pollution, conduct green infrastructure projects, and protect and restore Illinois’ inland lakes and streams.