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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Drinking Water

Public Water Supply Users

The Drinking Water Watch web portal provides online information on the quality of water produced by public water supply (PWS) wells in Illinois - both from surface water and groundwater. The Drinking Water Watch web portal allows the public to directly access drinking water monitoring data and other information for PWS wells in Illinois. The public can click on a county map or enter the name of a community and retrieve comprehensive compliance monitoring data for the associated PWS well and any violation information. An administrative contact for the owner/operator of the PWS well that the public can call for further information is also included. Although owners/operators of PWS wells are required to directly notify its end users of any violations of federal drinking water standards and provide annual Consumer Confidence Reports, the Drinking Water Watch web portal increases the accessibility of information to the public. 

The Notices to Public Water Supply Users about Groundwater Contamination webpage includes notices that have been issued by the Illinois EPA pursuant to Right-to-Know legislation to the public and to owners/operators of PWS wells regarding groundwater contamination found in PWS wells.

Private Water Users

In cases where a PWS well is supplied by a groundwater source, contamination detected in a PWS well may also pose a risk to nearby private water wells that use the same groundwater source. The Private Well User Information webpage includes notices and news releases provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health to alert private well users about groundwater contamination detected in a PWS well that may pose a risk to nearby private wells.

The Safe Water Well Initiative webpage provides information regarding common contaminants affecting drinking water sources in Illinois. There are several hundred thousand individual private wells in use across Illinois for which the well owners have responsibility for ensuring their water is safe and healthy. A fact sheet on the importance of private well owners performing regular testing for potential contaminants (including volatile organic compound chemicals) and other useful information, such as a list of certified laboratories and Illinois Department of Public Health and county health department assistance, is available on this webpage.

Who to Call For Help

If you are unable to determine the appropriate contact person at the Agency regarding the information on this webpage, please refer to Who to Call For Help. If you still are unable to determine the appropriate contact person, please contact the Division of Public Water Supplies Compliance Assurance Section at (217) 785-0561.

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