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Illinois Air Pollution Control Permit Forms
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General Application Forms
- 197-FEE Fee Determination for Construction Permit Application
- 197-Instructions
- APC-628 Construction Permit Application for a FESOP Source
- APC-629 Application for a Construction and/or Operating Permit for a Lifetime Source
- APC-200P Application for Permit - Portable Emission Unit(s)
- APC-205 Application for renewal of an operating permit to obtain a lifetime permit
- APC-205A Application for renewal of a federally enforceable state operating permit (FESOP)
- APC-198 Special instructions for applying for renewal of an operating permit
- APC-660 Notice of Intent Form Truck Mix Concrete Batch Plant
- APC-661 Notice of Intent Form Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant
- APC-662 Notice of Intent Form Portable Truck Mix Concrete Batch Plant
- APC-663 Notice of Intent Form Portable Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant
- APC-664 Notice of Intent Form Portable Crushing Plant
- APC-665 Notice of Intent Form Remediation System
Instruction and Inquiry
Information Forms
- APC-210 Data and information incorporation by reference
- APC-220 Data and information process emission source
- APC-240 Data and information fuel combustion emission source
- APC-250 Data and information incinerator
- APC-260 Data and information air pollution control equipment
- APC-232 Process emission source addendum tank
- APC-430 State of Illinois Demolition/Renovation/Asbestos Project Notification Form
Other Miscellaneous Air Forms
- APC-620 Air Permit Name and/or Ownership Change Form
- APC-100 Air pollution episode action plan
- APC-162a Guidelines for the completion of air pollution episode action plans
- APC-161 Standard Conditions for Operating Permits
- Standard Conditions for Lifetime Operating Permits
- APC-166 Standard Conditions for Construction/Development Permits Issued by the IEPA
- APC-171 Standard Conditions for Open Burning
- APC-198 Special Instructions for Applying for Renewal of an Operating Permit
- APC-203 Operation during startup
- APC-204 Operation during malfunction and breakdown
- APC-208 Notification of Location Change - Portable Emission Unit(s)
- APC-229 General Information - Grain-handling and Grain-drying Operations
- APC-230 Data and Information - Grain-handling and Grain-drying Operations
- APC-232 Process Emission Source Addendum Tank
- APC-234 Data and Information - Concrete, Asphalt, or Aggregate Crushing Plant
- APC-267 Minimum Recommendations for Housekeeping Practices for Grain Handling Facilities
- APC-391 Operating Program for Fugitive Particulate Control
- APC-531 Perchloroethylene dry cleaning application for permit
- APC-542 Compliance Report for Perchloroethylene (PERC) Dry Cleaning Facilities