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Air Forms
Select the type of form(s) you need from the navigation menu.
Note: Some of the forms have been formatted for you to save data in typed fields. These additional features allow you to fill in the form fields and then save a local copy of this form. You must have Adobe Reader 8 or greater installed to be able to access the additional features. You can download the latest version of the reader at Adobe's web site.
Having Trouble Opening These Forms?: These forms must be opened using Acrobat Reader. If you click on one of these links and get a message that starts with "Please wait...", then your computer is trying to use the web browser rather than Acrobat Reader to open the file. In that case, do this:
- Right-click on the link and select "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." to save the file.
- Start Acrobat Reader.
- In Acrobat Reader's menu, select "File", then "Open" to open the saved file.