Public Notices
General Public Notices
General public notices that don't fall under one of the other categories listed below can be found on the General Public Notices page.
Bureau of Air Permit Public Notices
Notices of public comment for various Bureau of Air draft permits, notices of Bureau of Air hearings and meetings, and other general Bureau of Air notifications.
Bureau of Water Public Notices
Notices of public comment for various Bureau of Water draft permits, water quality certifications, notices of Bureau of Water hearings and meetings.
- NPDES Permit and Hearing Notices
- NPDES Settlement Public Notices
- Section 401 Water Quality Certifications and Hearing Notices
- Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) Surface Impountments Public Notices
- Non-coal Mines Notifications
- Public Water Supplies Notifications
- Surface Discharging Private Sewage Disposal Systems Notifications
- Pesticide Application Notifications
- Domestic Lagoon Wastewater Facilities Notices
- Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines and Tanks Notices
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Notices
Bureau of Land Permit Public Notices
Notices of public comment for various Bureau of Land draft permits, notices of Bureau of Land hearings and meetings.