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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD) Forms

Having Trouble Opening These Forms?: These forms must be opened using Acrobat Reader. If you click on one of these links and get a message that starts with "Please wait...", then your computer is trying to use the web browser rather than Acrobat Reader to open the file. In that case, do this:

  1. Right-click on the link and select "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." to save the file.
  2. Start Acrobat Reader.
  3. In Acrobat Reader's menu, select "File", then "Open" to open the saved file.

Fill Operations Forms

Beginning July 1, 2008, no person can use CCDD as fill material in a current or former quarry, mine, or other excavation unless they have obtained a permit from the Illinois EPA. You may complete the forms below online and save them on your computer before printing and submitting them.

Permit Application Forms

Note that the LPC-PA25 and 39(i) forms and the proof of notification of elected officials forms are required for all permit applications for new CCDD fill sites or expansions of existing sites. The other attachments may be necessary in response to answers in the LPC-PA25 form. See the instructions in the LPC-PA25 form for details.

Permit Modification Forms

For modifying an existing, permitted CCDD Filll Site, a CCDD modification form, Notice of Application for Permit to Manage CCDD form, and Certification of Authenticity are required. Additionally, for Certification of Closure or Certification of Completion of Post-Closure Care, the application must also include the appropriate Affidavit. For transfer of owner or operator rights, the LPC 661 form must be completed and submitted with the applications.

Certification and Registration Forms

Fiscal Fee Reporting Forms

Uncontaminated Soil Fill Operations (USFO) Forms

Beginning August 27, 2012, no person can use soil from an off-site source as a fill material in a current or former quarry, mine, or other excavation of a resource, unless they have registered with the Illinois EPA using LPC-665 form.

CCDD Load Rejection Information

In accordance with a standard operating condition present in all permits issued by the Illinois EPA to CCDD facilities, all CCDD facilities are required to submit a completed CCDD Load Rejection Form to the Illinois EPA after each instance of an incoming load being rejected by the CCDD facility.

Other Considerations for CCDD Applications

Completed applications must be submitted by mail, personal delivery, or delivery service. Applications may not be submitted via fax or e-mail.

Please ensure that applications and all required attachments are completed in full prior to their submission to the Illinois EPA. Incomplete applications will be returned and will not be deemed submitted until a complete application is provided.

Completeness checklist reviews are done within 30 days of receipt of a CCDD permit application to determine if the application is administratively complete. Complete applications are given technical reviews within 90 days of receipt of the application to determine if the permit can be issued. The completeness checklist for new sites, the completeness checklist for applications for significant modification, and the technical checklist used by Illinois EPA reviewers may be useful.

Completed applications must be submitted to the following address:

Illinois EPA Mail Code #33

2520 W Iles Ave

P.O. Box 19276

Springfield, IL 62794-9276