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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Livestock Management

Regulatory guidance for livestock, grain and crop farms, as well as horticultural green industry

EZregs will provide more detailed information on applications of those regulations for livestock and crop farms, turfgrass and lawn care operations. It contains a variety of regulations related to environmental protection, safe use of agricultural chemicals, and livestock facility construction, management and siting. Historic preservation and endangered species preservation are also included.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Permits

A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPES) permit may be required for certain CAFO’s. Other requirements include implementation of a Nutrient Management Plan to handle manure and wastewater. More information on CAFO's can be found here.

New 2008 Final Federal CAFO Rule FAQs

These are frequently asked questions regarding the new final Federal CAFO Rule. Additional questions and answers will be posted, as needed.

Emergency Release Notification

The Reporting Requirements for Livestock Waste Releases document provides information about emergency release notifications, steps to take in the event of a release, and the Livestock Waste Release Report form.

Illinois Certified Livestock Manager Training Program

The Certified Livestock Manager Program is administered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. University of Illinois Extension has developed a training program to help you fulfill the requirements for certification.

Best Management Practices for Dairy Production

This fact sheet identifies best management practices that will improve operations and reduce the potential for generating odors and release of contaminants to ground water and surface water resources.

Best Management Practices for Pork Production

This fact sheet identifies best management practices that will improve operations and reduce the potential for generating odors and release of contaminants to ground water and surface water resources.


The fact sheet “ What to expect from an Illinois EPA Livestock Facility Inspection”, details why the Illinois EPA is visiting your facility, what authority the Illinois EPA has, common occurrence during inspections, what happens after the inspection, and who you should call if you have questions.

Agricultural Inspectors by Illinois EPA Region

Tax Certification Program for Livestock Waste Management Facilities

As an incentive for livestock producers to construct waste storage structures and other structure which prevent water pollution the Agency administers a tax certification program, which reduces the property tax value for many pollution control improvements.  The Tax Certification Application Form for Livestock Facilities and  Instructions are available. 

Livestock Management Facilities Act

The Livestock Management Facilities Act protects your right as a citizen to a safe, clean environment as well as the right of livestock farmers to earn a living. It concludes animal agriculture is important to Illinois’ economy and should be maintained, but farmers have a responsibility to be good neighbors.

Dead Animal Disposal 

The Illinois Department of Agriculture enforces regulations concerning animal health and welfare. Animal welfare officials also respond to complaints concerning a variety of animal issues, including the improper disposal of dead animals. The Department of Agriculture website contains additional information about the Dead Animal Disposal Act