Fact Sheet 8a April 1996
Source Area 4 Limited Environmental Investigation
Southeast Rockford Groundwater Contamination
Rockford, Illinois
Winnebago County
Within the next several weeks, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) will collect soil and soil gas (air beneath ground surface) samples in and near Area 4 of the Southeast Groundwater Contamination project.
Why is the Illinois EPA conducting this work?
During the past four years, the Illinois EPA has been investigating possible sources of industrial solvents found in southeast Rockford private wells and one municipal well. This investigation has shown that within Area 4 and three other areas are major sources of the groundwater (water beneath the ground) contamination.
In 1991, the Illinois EPA and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) connected all eligible homes and businesses with private wells that violated public water supply standards to the Rockford Public Water Supply.
In 1995, the Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA proposed, and the public supported a two-part remedy for the contaminated groundwater. First, residences and businesses with drinking water wells that may be affected by the contamination within the next 70 years will be connected to the Rockford Water Supply. Second, remedies for the sources will be selected (after public comment) to prevent or minimize ongoing releases of contamination to the groundwater.
The Illinois EPA has substantial information about the Area 4 source but needs additional information before proposing a remedy for the area. The upcoming sampling will determine the northeastern, eastern, and southern boundaries of Area 4 contamination.
Is the Rockford Public Water Supply safe to drink?
Yes. The Rockford Public Water Supply is regularly tested for the solvents found in groundwater, and water that violates public water supply standards is not distributed to the public.
Is Barrette Mobile Home Park connected to the Rockford Public Water Supply?
No, not at this time. The Illinois EPA and the U.S. EPA are committed to providing Barretts Mobile Home Park with a connection to the Rockford Public Water Supply. If funding is available, this connection is scheduled for late this year.
Is Barretts Mobile Home Park water safe to drink until the Rockford Public Water Supply connections are made?
Yes, in the short term. The Barrette Mobile Home Park water does contain two chemicals at levels slightly greater than the public water supply standards. The standards are set to protect people who drink the water for 70 years. The December 1995 results for these two chemicals in parts per billion (ppb) were as follows:
Chemical | Well #1 | Well #2 | Public Water Supply Standard |
Trichloroethylene |
11ppb |
11ppb |
5ppb |
1,1-Dichloroethylene |
7.2ppb |
7.6ppb |
7ppb |
Barretts is required to monitor their wells every three months. If concentrations increase to a level where they would be considered a possible health threat from short term exposure, U.S. EPA will take action to provide safe drinking water to the mobile home park residents. .Concentrations found now are below levels that would pose a health threat from short term exposure, but if you feel uncomfortable drinking water from Barretts' water supply you may purchase drinking water at your own expense.
Will residents be required to pay for the public water connections?
The cost of laying water mains down the streets and individual connections from the street to the individual homes and businesses will be paid by either the Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA or parties who have been determined to be responsible for the contamination. In the past, the City of Rockford has waived the hookup fee so the only expense to the resident should be the monthly water bill.
When will these public water connections be made?
If funding is available, the Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA plan to connect Barrette Mobile Home Park to the Rockford Public Water Supply late this year. The date of public water connections, however, is dependent upon the source of funding. Currently this project is funded by the federal Superfund program, and the authorization for collecting funds for this program expired December 31, 1995.
There are sufficient funds remaining from the 1995 budget to conduct the remaining investigations, but there may be no new federal money to fund the public water connections until the Congress reauthorizes the Superfund program.
If responsible parties pay for the public water connections, the schedule will depend on the progress of negotiations with these parties. These negotiations are still in progress so their outcome is unknown at this time.
Why are soil gas samples being collected near Area 4?
The industrial solvents found in the wells and Area 4 are in a group of chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOC) which means the chemicals vaporize or evaporate readily at room temperature. Soil gas samples are samples of gas (air) withdrawn from beneath ground surface. These samples will be analyzed for compounds that may have vaporized from the groundwater, contaminated soil, or buried material into the air pockets above the water table. The sample results will show how far vapors may have moved under ground from Area 4.
Am I or my family exposed to significant concentrations of VOC vapors?
No VOCs were detected in the outdoor air samples. If vapors are present in high concentrations beneath one's home, it is possible for the vapors to come up into the house through sump pits and cracks in the foundation.
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Illinois EPA have sampled air from basements near Area 4 and to date no compounds have been detected in basement air above levels that would cause a health concern. These VOCs are found in common household products such as paints, glues, and cleaners so most homes have low levels. The Illinois EPA may collect additional basement air samples, if soil gas samples indicate that additional samples are needed.
Why is the Illinois EPA sampling soil beneath the surface?
The Illinois EPA is collecting soil beneath the surface to determine if VOCs are present in a concentrated liquid form in addition to the dissolved form found in the air or groundwater beneath Area 4.
Has the surface soil near Area 4 been tested?
Yes. To date, tests of surface soil indicate that no contaminants are present at levels that cause a health concern.
What happens after the Illinois EPA completes their investigations?
After the investigation is complete, the Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA will evaluate a number of possible remedies and propose, for public comment, a remedy for the source of contamination in Area 4.
When will the remedy for the source of contamination in Area 4 be implemented?
The schedule for implementation of the Area 4 remedy is also dependent upon funding. Work funded by federal funds is dependent upon reauthorization of the Superfund law by Congress. Work funded by responsible parties is dependent upon successful completion of negotiations with these parties.
Who are the responsible parties?
In 1992, based upon responses to requests for information, U.S. EPA notified seven companies of their potential liability for the Southeast Groundwater Contamination Superfund Project. The U.S. EPA also demanded reimbursement for funds spent thus far on the site. The seven companies are Sundstrand Corporation, Borg-Warner Corporation, Rockford Products Corporation, Erhardt & Leimer, Inc., Gordon Bartels Co., Suntec Industries, Inc., and Estwing Manufacturing Co. This list may change as more information is gathered.
Repositories and Administrative Record
More information on the Southeast Rockford Groundwater Contamination may be found in project repositories located at the Rockford Public Library and the Ken-Rock Community Center.
Technical Assistance Grants
Citizen groups desiring technical assistance in interpreting data from this investigation may be eligible for a Technical Assistance Grant (TAG). Municipalities, other governmental agencies, political subdivisions, potentially responsible parties, academic institutions and headquarters of public interest groups are not eligible to receive TAGS. However, members of these groups may belong to a community organization requesting a TAG.
For more information, please contact the Illinois EPA Office of Community Relations. Additional documents not available on this webpage may be obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request or through IEPA Document Explorer.