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Fact Sheet 5

Current Environmental Sampling Event in Residential Area Near the Former Indian Refining Company Site

Fact Sheet #5

February 1999

Lawrenceville, Illinois

What environmental sampling event is coming up?

U.S. EPA and their environmental consultant, Ecology and Environ- ment, are planning on taking residential soil samples in a one-block area between Third and Fourth Streets and between Cedar and Collins Streets (1500 block) in the southeastern part of Lawrenceville. They also plan to take a sample or two from the west side of fourth street in the 1600 block.

What sort of contamination is U.S. EPA looking for?

Recently, some residents in the first block mentioned above reported finding a hard, black coal-like material on their property while digging to install an electrical line. The Illinois EPA project manager, Greg Ratliff, investigated the report and took a sample of the material in December 1998. U.S. EPA and Illinois EPA have reason to believe that this material might be consistent with waste material from the refinery. The purpose of the sampling event is to identify waste-like material on that and other nearby residential properties and have the material analyzed by a professional laboratory to find out exactly what it is.

When will this sampling take place?

Weather depending, Kevin Turner, U.S. EPA On-Scene Coordinator, will plan on coming to Lawrenceville with representatives from Ecology and Environment on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 9th and 10th to take the samples. These samples will be hand-dug and will be taken close to the surface of the ground where the waste-like material has been observed.

How many samples will U.S. EPA take?

Kevin Turner is currently planning on taking from six to ten samples, based on observations at the properties on January 27, 1999. However, once the sampling begins, it is possible that number may change.

Will residents have another opportunity to have samples taken of the soil on their property?

Yes. This current sampling is for a limited investigation based on the waste-like material that Illinois EPA encountered in one yard in December. The larger investigation for the entire site hasn't started yet. If you have information about tar-like or coal-like waste material on your property or on someone else's property, please contact either U.S. EPA's Project Manager or On-Scene Coordinator or Illinois EPA's Project Manager

When will you know what action will be taken about any waste material that is found on residential property?

Once U.S. EPA has results of the soil sampling analysis (which takes approximately 6 weeks) and has had time to interpret the results, they will determine whether to expand the investigation (take more samples) in the residential area. This next step would be in an effort to determine the extent of the contamination (how far it continues laterally and in depth) prior to approaching potentially responsible parties about taking action to deal with the waste.

Once the extent of the waste is better known, the U.S. EPA and the Illinois EPA will issue a joint press release to advise local residents what action, if any, will be taken.

As in the past, Community Relations personnel and Community Involvement personnel will talk to the residents whose soil was sampled to let them know the status. Additionally, the Illinois Department of Public Health will send letters to the property owners to advise whether or not there is any health concern related to any contamination found in the samples.

For Additional Information

Carol Fuller

Community Relations Coord.

Illinois EPA

1021 N. Grand Ave. E.

Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276


fax 785-7725
Greg Ratliff

Project Manager

Illinois EPA

1021 N. Grand Ave. E.

Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

217/782-9882 fax 782-3258

On-site - 618/943-2399
Derrick Kimbrough

Community Involvement Coord.

U.S. EPA, Region 5

77 W. Jackson Blvd., P-19J

Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590

312/886-9749 fax 353-1155
Matthew Ohl

U.S. EPA Project Mgr.

77 W. Jackson Blvd., SR-6J

Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590


fax 886-4071
Kevin Turner

U.S. EPA On-Scene Coord.

Crab Orchard Ntl. Wildlife Refuge

8588 Route 148

Marion, Illinois 62959

618/997-0115 fax 998-0425

Pager 888/954-3272
Lynn Stone


Illinois Dept. of Public Health

2309 W. Main Street

Marion, Illinois 62959
