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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Fact Sheet 10

Remedial Investigation Update Indian Refining/Texaco Superfund Site

Fact Sheet #10

August 2004

Lawrenceville, Illinois


The former Indian Refining Company/Texaco Refinery site property consists of approximately 990 acres immediately southeast of Lawrenceville. It is bordered on the south and west by wetlands, agricultural land and residential areas. The Embarras River forms the eastern boundary, and residential areas are found north of the site. The facility operated as an active petroleum refinery from the early 1900s until the mid-1990s. During the early part of the last century, a lube oil refinery was located on what is known as Indian Acres at the northeastern portion of the property. That area was later used for waste disposal, including lube oil filter clay sludge, acid sludge, and possibly other wastes. Waste materials from this facility are found in numerous areas south of the B & O Railroad tracks, which run east-west across the site. The site was investigated by the Illinois EPA and was submitted to the National Priority List of Superfund Sites in 1998.

In 1996, a residential area adjacent to Indian Acres was referred to U.S. EPA for a removal action. Acidic tar-like waste material was removed from several residential properties during fall 1996 and fall 1997. Additional investigation in residential areas in the spring of 2000 revealed no new areas of this type of waste material. Demolition of the main refinery units began in 1998, and to date nearly all of the aboveground structures have been cleaned, dismantled and taken off-site. The Illinois EPA and the Illinois Office of the Attorney General filed an action against Texaco in federal court. As a result, ChevronTexaco and the State of Illinois have entered into a Consent Decree, which directs ChevronTexaco to conduct a Remedial Investigation (RI) and Feasibility Study (FS). The Remedial Investigation began in November 2001.

What is the method for examining off-site properties versus the site itself?

As stated above, some residential investigation has already occurred (1996, 1997 and 2000). As the main site is investigated, Chevron Texaco will follow any site-related contamination to its extent, including into any residential areas.

The outlying areas on the site are being examined first for site-related contamination. That is Phase I of the Remedial Investigation (RI). All the peripheral areas have now been tested for contamination.

The central portion of the refinery was under demolition at the time this first phase of testing was performed on the outlying areas. Now, the phase I testing will be performed on the central refinery.

What is the next step?

The Phase II portion of the remedial investigation involves filling data gaps for all peripheral areas to fully define the nature and extent of contamination on each section of the site.

What is the process for evaluating the data?

Once all the data has been obtained for the entire site, including filling any data gaps, we will move into the feasibility study for the site. This is when the responsible party looks at the technological solutions for each type of waste and evaluates them for feasibility in use on this site. This process results in a list of choices of potential solutions, which ChevronTexaco will present to Illinois EPA.

Is the investigation taking unusually long for this site?

No, it really isn’t. Remember that the demolition process had to take place before the site could be fully studied for contamination in site soils and groundwater in the central refinery area. The demolition process took six years (June 1998-June 2004).

What is the situation with the City’s storm sewer project?

As you know, part of the replacement storm sewer was built in 1996 in Indian Acres where some of the most contamination exists. The City has recently been in the process of relocating that portion of the storm sewer, and the new construction began in the summer of 2003. When excavating along the south side of Hickory Street near the intersection of Seventh Street, the City ran into some residual contamination from an old gasoline or diesel spill.

ChevronTexaco constructed a portion of the storm sewer to get through the contaminated area to prevent infiltration of contamination into the sewer line and possible transport to the river. All contaminated soils have been removed and properly disposed.

What will happen to the eastern portion of the storm sewer that was built in Indian Acres?

The City will completely remove the section of the storm sewer that goes from the river to the old line, which is on refinery property south of Hickory Street and running parallel to the railroad line corridor. The old line will be filled in with clean, compacted fill and abandoned west of that point to 11th Street.

Is there a second area of contamination along the storm sewer?

Yes. The second area was found along 11th Street between Olive and the railroad tracks. Again, it is hydrocarbon contamination from old gasoline or diesel spills. Illinois EPA is in the process of negotiations with the potentially responsible parties on ways to deal with this second area of contamination.

When will the Remedial Investigation be complete?

Illinois EPA expects that the entire RI should be complete in two years. Phase I investigations should be complete this year on the refinery proper and peripheral areas. Phase II investigations will be conducted in 2005.

How will the public be informed of the results of the investigations?

A final RI report will be placed in the public repository at the Lawrenceville Library. A fact sheet will announce that the report is available and will describe the results of the studies. Illinois EPA will offer to do a public availability session, if there is interest in having one.

For more information, please contact:

Carol L. Fuller

Community Relations Coordinator

Illinois EPA

Office of Community Relations

Greg Ratliff

Project Manager

Illinois EPA

Bureau of Land,

National Priorities Unit
