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Pesticide Discharge Management Plan

Permittees which exceed one or more of the annual treatment area thresholds listed in Table 3 of the permit must prepare and submit a Pesticide Discharge Management Plan (PDMP). This requirement does not apply to the following:

  1. Any application made in response to a declared pest emergency situation, as defined in Appendix A of the permit.
  2. Permittees who meet the definition of a small entity, as defined in Appendix A of the permit.
  3. Permittees conducting pesticide application activities pursuant to the Vector Control Act (410 ILCS 95) which are funded by, conducted in accordance with, or under the supervision of the Illinois Department of Public Health or an associated municipal, county or regional department of public health or public health district.

The PDMP should document how the permittee will implement the effluent limitations included in the permit, including the evaluation and election of Pest Management Measures to meet those effluent limitations in order to minimize discharges. In the PDMP, the permittee may incorporate by reference any procedures or plans in other documents that meet the requirements of this permit. If the permittee relies upon other documents to comply with the effluent limitation in this permit, such as pre-existing pest management plan, the permittee must attach to the PDMP a copy of any portions of any documents that are used to document the implementation of the effluent limitations.

Each plan must include the following components:

Pesticide Discharge Management Team

A qualified individual or team of individuals should be identified to manage the pesticide discharge. Identification of a pesticide discharge management team ensures that appropriate persons (or positions) are identified as necessary for developing and implementing the plan. Inclusion of the team in the plan provides notice to staff and management (i.e., those responsible for signing and certifying the plan) of the responsibilities of certain key staff for following through on compliance with the permit's conditions. The plan must clearly describe the responsibilities of each team member to ensure that each aspect of the PDMP is addressed.

Problem Identification

  1. Pest Problem Description. A detailed pest management area description assists permitees in subsequent efforts to identify and set priorities for the evaluation and selection of pest management options taken to meet effluent limitations and in identifying necessary changes in pest management. The description must include identification of the target pest(s), source of the pest problem, and source of data used to identify the problem. The permit allows use of historic data or other available data (ex. from another similar site) to identify the problem at your site. If you use other site data, you must document in this section why data from your site is not available or not taken within the past year and explain why the data is relevant to your site. Additionally, the pest management area descriptions should include any sensitive resources in the area, such as unique habitat areas, rare or listed species, or other species of concern that may limit pest management options.
  2. Action Threshold(s). A description of the action threshold(s) established for the target pest, including a description of how they were determined. An action threshold is a level of pest prevalence at which an operator takes action to reduce the pest population.
  3. General Location Map. A general location map of the site that identifies the geographic boundaries of the area to which the plan applies and location of the waters of the State. To improve readability of the map, some detailed information may be kept as an attachment to the site map and pictures may be included as deemed appropriate.
  4. Water Quality Standards. Permittees must identify the water quality standards applicable to their discharge. This must include a list of pesticide(s) or any degradates for which the water is impaired.

Pest Management Options Evaluation

An evaluation of the pest management options to demonstrate how the permittees specifically plan to control the target pest(s). The description of the pest management options should include an evaluation and implementation of the six pest management options (no action, prevention, mechanical/physical methods, cultural methods, biological control agents, and pesticides). Permittees must consider impact to non-target organisms, impact to water quality, feasibility, and cost effectiveness when evaluating and selecting the most efficient and effective means of pest management measures.

All six pest management options may not be available for a specific use category and/or treatment area. However, the PDMP must include documentation of how the six pest management options were evaluated prior to selecting a site specific pest management strategy.

Response Procedures

  1. Spill Response Procedures. Permittees must document procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, and other release. In addition, the plan must include documentation of the procedures for notification of appropriate facility personnel, emergency response agencies, and regulatory agencies.
  2. Adverse Incident Response Procedures. Permittees must document appropriate procedures for responding to an adverse incident resulting from pesticide applications. In addition, the plan must include documentation of the procedures for notification of the adverse incident, both internal to the permittee agency/organization and external. Contact information for State permitting agency, nearest emergency medical facility, and nearest hazardous chemical responder must be in locations that are readily accessible and available.

Signature Requirements

The signature of the person responsible for the preparation of the initial plan and all subsequent amendments to the plan should be included.