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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Applying for Coverage

Pesticide Permit Requirements

The issuance of the General NPDES Permit for Pesticide Point Source Discharges was finalized on October 31, 2011. This permit was effective October 31, 2011 and will expire October 30, 2016. Changes were made as a result of comments received by the Agency.

  1. Submit a completed copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) either electronically or by mail. The NOI can be submitted electronically to

    The NOI is due at least 14 days prior to commencement of discharge. The complete and accurate NOI will be posted on the Agency's web site for a period of 14 days. Unless notified by the Agency to submit additional information, operators who submit an NOI in accordance with the requirements of this permit are authorized to discharge under the terms and conditions of this permit 30 days after the date the NOI is received
  2. Operators above the annual treatment area threshold must also develop and submit a Pesticide Discharge Management Plant (PDMP). The PDMP must be in Adobe Acrobat format and sent to, concurrent with the NOI submission. Operators must also retain a copy of the PDMP. This requirement does not apply to the following:
    • Any application made in response to declared pest emergency situation.
    • Permitees who meet the definition of a small entity.
    • Permitees conducting pesticide application activities pursuant to the Vector Control Act (410 ILCS 95) which are funded by, conducted in accordance with, or under the supervision of the Illinois Department of Public Health or an associated municipal, county or regional department of public health or public health district.
  3. Currently there is not an annual fee associated with this NPDES permit. If at a later date an annual fee is instituted, the annual fee must be submitted with the NOI before coverage under the permit is granted. For the annual fee amounts, refer to 415 ILCS 5/12.5.
  4. Permittees above the annual treatment area thresholds and do not meet the definition of a small entity must submit an annual report to IEPA either electronically or by mail. The annual report can be submitted electronically to Permitees must also retain a copy of the annual report. This requirement does not apply to the permittees conducting pesticide application activities pursuant to the Vector Control Act (410 ILCS 95) which are funded by, conducted in accordance with, or under the supervision of the Illinois Department of Public Health or regional department of public health or public health district.

    Annual reports must be submitted to IEPA no later than February 15 th of the following year. The annual report must include information for the calendar year, with the first annual report required to include activities for the portion of the calendar year after the effective date of the NOI. If the effective date is after December 1 st, the permittee is not required to submit an annual report for the first partial year but must submit annual reports thereafter, with the first annual report submitted also including information from the first partial year.

The Flowchart of Permit Requirements outlines the applicable permit requirements for the General Permit.