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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

IPCB Subdocket R2012-009(B)

On August 23, 2012, the Illinois Pollution Control Board (Board) issued its Opinion and Order in Docket R2012-009 adopting the final amendments to rules for Clean Construction or Demolition Debris Fill Operations (CCDD) at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 1100. The effective date for the amendments to the CCDD rules is August 27, 2012. The CCDD rules, as amended, may be viewed at the Board’s website in the  rulemaking docket.

In addition, the Board concurred with the recommendation of the General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to open a subdocket in the proceeding to continue its examination of the issue of groundwater monitoring at CCDD and uncontaminated soil fill operations. The subdocket will be designated  R2012-009(B). The Board will issue additional directives for the procedures applicable to the subdocket at a later date.

Future testimony, responses to questions and comments, or other documents prepared by Illinois EPA related to this rulemaking will be available only from the rulemaking docket. This also is where the Board will post its opinions and orders, hearing officer orders, hearing testimony, and public comments. Upon opening the docket page, you will be able to click on “View File” to bring up each relevant document in the proceeding. You also may register for updates to the Board's Subdocket B, by opening the docket page and clicking on the hyperlinked text that says, "Notify me when this case is updated." This text is located in the box titled, View Case Details. To learn more about the rulemaking process please go to the Citizen's Guide to the Illinois Pollution Control Board - Rulemakings page.