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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Water Quality Certification Fees

1. Who is covered?

Applicants for a state water quality certification required by Section 401of the federal Clean Water Act for federal authorization by the Corps of Engineers under Section 404 are required to pay a fee to the Illinois EPA. The fee does not apply to the State or any department or agency of the State, nor to any school district.

2. What is the fee?

The fee amount is $350 or 1 percent of the gross value of the proposed project whichever is greater, with a maximum fee of $10,000 for any application. The fee must be included with all applications.

The application form for Section 401 certification can be downloaded from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineer's website.

For additional information on the certification fees or the certification program, call the Division of Water Pollution Control – Permit Section at (217) 782-3362.