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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Potentially Infectious Medical Waste

1. Who is covered?

Haulers who transport PIMW from doctors, dentists, veterinarians, hospitals, clinics, etc., must ship it in vehicles permitted by the Illinois EPA. Each load picked up must be accompanied by a PIMW manifest purchased by the Illinois EPA, and properly completed. The PIMW hauler must submit quarterly reports and payment of 3 cents per pound to Illinois EPA for each pound of PIMW disposed of or treated.

2. What are the fees?

The fees for transporter permits, manifests and disposal are:

PIMW Operation


Hauler Permit (annual) $2,000 +$250/vehicle
Manifest $4/manifest
Treatment/Disposal $0.03/lb

3. Who do I contact with questions?

Additional information or assistance is available by contacting the Bureau of Land Waste Reduction and Compliance Section at (217) 785-8604.