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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Landfill Tipping

1. Who is covered?

Municipal waste landfill operators currently pay two fees (Solid Waste Tipping Fee and Subtitle D Fee) based on the volume of waste received each year.

2. What is the fee?

The fee depends on the total volume of waste received in a calendar year. Operators that receive more than 150,000 cubic yards of waste in a year have the option of measuring waste by volume (cubic yards) or weight (tons) and deciding which unit to use to calculate the fee payment. Operators that receive less than 150,000 cubic yards in a year fall into fee payment categories.

Cubic Yards Received in a Year (Thousands) Solid Waste Fee Subtitle D Fee
>150 $2.00/ton $0.22/ton
>150 $0.95/cy $0.101/cy
100-150 $52,630 $7,020
50-100 $23,790 $3,120
10-50 $7,260 $975
<10 $1,050 $210

3. Who do I contact with questions?

Information or assistance regarding payment of fees or fee balances is available by contacting Fiscal Services at 217-785-6871.

For questions regarding waste streams subject to fees, please contact the Materials Management and Compliance Section at 217-524-3300.