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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.


The Municipal Brownfields Redevelopment Grant (MBRG) application package, quarterly report form, amendment request form, and reimbursement request forms are now available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Instructions for filling out each of these forms follow.

NOTE: Please be sure to fill out ALL requested information on the various forms. Data fields may be accessed by clicking the mouse in each blank field or by pressing the “Tab” key to advance forward, or the “Shift Tab” keys to advance backwards, through the fields. Once completed, the forms must be printed out and executed (signed/dated) by the authorized municipal official and consultant personnel where applicable. Completed forms are to be mailed to the attention of the Office of Brownfields Assistance (OBA) Representative at the following address:

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Attn: Brownfield Rep. Name

Bureau of Land #24

Office of Brownfields Assistance

2520 W Iles Ave

P.O. Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

Please call OBA at 217-524-3300 if you have any questions or need assistance in completing the forms and/or application package.

Instructions for Completing the MBRG Application:

  1. Please be sure to provide all information requested in the Application Cover Sheets.
  2. The individual “Budget Breakdown” sheets (Sections A., B., C., & D.) in the Budget Section must be completed first. As explained below, the respective grant dollar amounts from these sheets will automatically carry over to the “Grant Dollars” column on the “Summary Estimate” page of the budget.
  3. For the “Personnel Services” (A.1. and A.2.) section of the budget, please indicate both the name and title of those individuals working on the grant project.
  4. For the “Equipment” (B.) and “All Other Direct Cost” (C.) sections of the budget, the “Match Amount” and “Grant Amount” must be entered along with the “Rate” and “Hours/Units”. The “Total Cost” column will then automatically calculate from the values entered. Alpha characters cannot be typed into the “Rate” or “Hours/Units” columns. Please indicate units (in parentheses) in the “Equipment” column after typing the name of the equipment item.
  5. For the “Contractor/Subcontractor” (D.) section of the budget, the “Total Cost” column will again automatically calculate from the values entered into the “Match Amount” and “Grant Amount” columns.
  6. The “Total Cost” columns for each of the budget breakdown pages cannot be changed unless the “Grant Amount” and/or “Match Amount” columns are adjusted. The “Total Cost” is automatically calculated from the grant and match values entered.
  7. Once the individual “Budget Breakdown” sheets (Sections A., B., C., & D.) are completed, the “Summary Estimate” page at the beginning of the budget must be finalized. The respective grant dollar amounts from each of the breakdown sheets should have automatically carried over to the “Grant Dollars” column on the “Summary Estimate” page. Due to the option of breaking down the Match portion of the total budget into “In-Kind” and/or “Monetary” contributions, these dollar amounts must be manually entered into the table for each budget section. As Match values are entered, the “Total Cost” column will calculate automatically.

Instructions for Completing the Quarterly Report and Amendment Request Forms:

  1. Please be sure to fill out all information requested in Section A. on page 1 of both forms and all applicable information in Section B on page 1 of the Grant Amendment Request Form.
  2. Both forms must be accompanied by the supporting documentation described in the text of the form itself.
  3. The budget form available with the MBRG application can also be used for the amendment budget pages.

Instructions for Completing the Reimbursement Request Form:

  1. Please be sure to fill out all information requested in Section A. – “Grant Information” - on Page 1.
  2. The primary contractor’s (consultant’s) name should be indicated at the top of the “Invoice Summary” sheet on page 2.
  3. All invoice numbers should be recorded for each of the primary contractor’s/consultant’s invoices in the order they appear in the reimbursement request pkg.
  4. Reimbursable costs for each invoice should be broken down into their respective budget categories (A.1 – D.) as appropriate. OBA will use the distribution of grant monies, as reflected in the “Invoice Summary” sheet, in determining an operating (or remaining) budget after payment of funds from the reimbursement request.
  5. The “Total Grant Amount Requested” column will automatically calculate after dollar amounts have been entered into each of the respective budget categories (A.1. – D.).
  6. The “Total Invoice Amount,” which may or may not be the same as the “Total Grant Amount Requested,” must be entered manually. This will not affect the “Total Grant Amount Requested” column.
  7. Totals will automatically calculate at the bottom of each column. Please check that the “Amount Requested” on Page 1 and the “Total Grant Reimbursement Amount Requested” at the bottom of the Invoice Summary Page is the same.
  8. If more rows are needed to complete the reimbursement package, please use another “Invoice Summary” sheet and the “Total Grant Reimbursement Amount Requested” lines will be summed up as subtotals to come up with a total dollar amount requested for payment.
  9. Please note that costs will not be approved for payment without supporting documentation in the form of invoices from both the primary contractor/consultant and all subcontractors utilized for approved work activities. In addition, funds cannot be paid in excess of the dollar amount previously approved for any individual budget section.