Annual Section 319 Program Reports
Current Reports
Grants issued by U.S. EPA under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act include a condition requiring the submittal of a status report annually. This report is prepared to satisfy that condition and publicize the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's accomplishments in controlling nonpoint source pollution. The March 2023 Report is limited to Champter 6, which documents the status of the active Section 319 projects and those projects recently closed. The page n umbers in this report correspond to the page numbers in the last report. Illinois EPA is evaluating the format of the report and will publish a full Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program - Section 319 Biannual Report in September 2023.
Nonpoint source pollution is the diffuse, intermittent runoff of pollutants from various sources. Precipitation moving over and through the ground picks up pollutants from these sources and carries them into rivers, lakes, and ground water. Major sources that contribute to Illinois' nonpoint source pollution problems are agriculture, construction erosion, urban runoff, hydrologic modifications, and resource extraction activities. The Clean Water Act of 1987 included a new national initiative to help states develop innovative nonpoint source pollution control strategies. Under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, USEPA provides grants to states for the implementation of approved nonpoint source management programs. Funding under these nonpoint source program implementation grants has been used in Illinois to finance projects that demonstrate cost-effective solutions to nonpoint source problems and that promote the public's knowledge and awareness of nonpoint source pollution. For more information on Illinois EPA's nonpoint source water pollution control grant program or on specific grant projects, contact:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Water
Watershed Management Section
Nonpoint Source Unit
2520 W Iles Ave
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
(217) 782-3362