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Ambient Air Monitoring Network

2024 Plan

Federal Regulations require States to submit to USEPA an annual air monitoring network plan for the prospective calendar year. The plan is to provide a detailed description of the monitoring network for all of the criteria pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), and lead (Pb). Among other information, the plan is to include location information (address and latitude/longitude), site type, objectives, spatial scale, sampling schedule, and equipment type. In addition, changes from the previous network plan are to be listed. Also, this plan includes an Appendix with the information necessary to meet the Data Requirements Rule SO2 Emissions Assessment for those areas modeled to be in attainment with the SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

Relevant supporting air quality data in past Illinois Annual Air Quality Reports is available. These summaries contain detailed monitoring data from the network which show comparisons to the various air quality standards as well as establish trends over time. If you have questions, please contact Brad Frost at the number listed below.

The Illinois EPA is accepting comments on the 2024 Plan from August 7, 2023 to September 6, 2023. Please mail or e-mail comments on the Plan to the contact listed below. 

Brad Frost
Illinois EPA
1021 North Grand Avenue, East
PO Box 19506
Springfield, IL  62794-9506