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Bureau of Land Databases
Agency Facility Inventory and Information System (AFIIS) Database
Search the Illinois EPA Agency inventory for facility information.
Bureau of Land Inventory Database
Search the Illinois EPA Bureau of Land inventory for facility information. Data results are cross-linked with all on-line database system applications from IEPA Bureau of Land as well as USEPA FRS database. Results are also cross-referenced with images of recorded NFR (No Further Remediation) letters. If available, links will be provided to the other data systems as appropriate.
Cleanup Programs
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Tracking (LIT) database identifies the status of all Illinois LUST incidents reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and to the IEPA.
Site Remediation Program
The Site Remediation Program (SRP) database identifies the status of all voluntary remediation projects administered through the Pre-Notice Site Cleanup Program (1989 to 1995) and the Site Remediation Program (1996 to the present).
State Response Action Program
The State Response Action Program database identifies the status of all sites under the responsibility of the Illinois EPA's State Sites Unit.
Regulatory Programs
Solid Waste Permit Activities
Online database designed to inform the public about applications submitted, or permits from the Bureau of Land.
Beneficial Use Applications
Online database designed to inform the public about beneficial use applications that have been submitted to the Bureau of Land.
RCRA Database
Online database for searching the RCRA Permit Database.
Used Tire Inspections Database
Online database designed to inform the public about used tire inspections and management.
Other Programs
Cleanups in Illinois Under the Federal Superfund Program - USEPA
The CERCLIS Database is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System that contains information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities across the nation.