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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Fact Sheet 4

Sampling Update

Fact Sheet #4

March 2000

Murphysboro, Illinois

The Illinois EPA, in conjunction with Illinois Department of Public Health, is discussing the soil and wipe sample results with the City of Murphysboro, the Jackson County Heath Department, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR).

What are the latest sample results?

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) has received the results of the soil samples and indoor wipe samples done in February 2000, and in consultation with the Illinois Department of Public Health has determined that:

  • None of these sample results indicate an immediate health threat.
  • No health hazards exist for residential areas sampled on 17th and 19th Streets.
  • Wipe samples taken from inside homes show little or no dioxins and exposure will not pose a health hazard.

Elevated levels of lead, dioxin, and other contaminants were confirmed in the area south of Gartside Street, including several locations within the Meadows of Murphy subdivision. A chain-link fence was constructed southwest of the subdivision around the perimeter of the area with the highest concentrations of lead to prohibit public access.

What happens next?

There are now three areas sealed by chain-link fence that need to be remediated. These areas were sealed because contamination poses a threat to human health and the environment.

Areas within the Meadows of Murphy subdivision where lead, dioxin, and other contaminants pose a health threat from long-term exposure also need to be remediated. The Illinois EPA is in the process of requesting assistance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to conduct remediation of this residential property. Appropriate cleanup measures will be selected and implemented by USEPA, in consultation with the Illinois EPA and the Illinois Department of Public Health. The Illinois EPA will be providing community relations support on this project.

We expect to continue the investigation of surrounding businesses and industries which will require additional soil sampling to be conducted in the non-residential area between 17 th and 19 th Streets south and southwest of the subdivision. The Illinois EPA anticipates that this additional investigation will begin in late spring or early summer. area sometime in late spring or early summer.

What happens if the value of my property is devalued by the tax assessor?

Property values and property sales in some cases are adversely affected by the presence of hazardous waste. Generally, the experience in Illinois shows that once hazardous waste is remediated in situations like this one, , both property values and property transactions have been returned to normal.

For Additional Information

Written information about this project will be available at a local information repository established at the Sallie Logan Public Library, 1808 Walnut, Murphysboro, Illinois (Telephone: 618/684-3271).

If you have any questions about the site or sampling activities, you may contact:

Mark Densmore

Remedial Project Manager

Illinois EPA

Michelle Tebrugge

Community Relations Coord.

Illinois EPA

Lynn Stone


Illinois Department of Public Health
