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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Quick Answer Guide

System Requirements

The following are the minimum PC requirements to access and use the National Installation of NetDMR:

  • Pentium II/IV or equivalent processor
  • 128 MB RAM (512 recommended)
  • Monitor with resolution of at leasts 800 x 600
  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above with settings:
    • JavaScript enabled
    • Session cookies enabled
    • Pop-up blockers disabled

Enabling Session Cookies

To enable cookies using Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0 follow these steps:

  1. On your web browser choose Tools, then Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab.
  3. Default setting is medium. Move the slider to determine which setting you prefer.
  4. You can also click on Advanced for specialized cookie treatment.

Types of Users and Their Roles

Permittees are assigned a Permit Administrator role, a Signatory role, an Edit role or a View role. Data Providers are assigned an Edit role or a View role.

  • Permit Administrator: Facility or permittee staff responsible for approving all COR and DMR view requests and DMR edit requests for the Permit. Permit Administrators may edit DMRs only if they have been granted Edit access to a permit.
  • Signatory: Facility or permittee staff responsible for signing and submitting DMRs on behalf of an organization. A request for the signatory privilege requires submission of a Subscriber Agreement to the Regulatory Authority that administers a particular NPDES permit.
  • Permittee User (View or Edit role): Facility or permittee staff responsible for viewing, entering, editing or uploading Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) into a state Instance.
  • Data Provider (View or Edit role): Contractor or laboratory staff responsible for viewing, entering, editing or uploading Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) into a state Instance. Data Providers are not allowed to sign and submit DMRs or approve access to permits.

Check Your Permit ID

You can check whether any of your permits are available for reporting in NetDMR by following the directions below. You do not have to create a NetDMR account before you can check on the status of your permits

  • Click the Checking your Permit ID link on the NetDMR Login page.
  • Enter your Permit ID.
  • Click Check Permit ID.

A message indicating whether you can report DMR for your Permit ID using NetDMR will be displayed.

How to Create an Account

You can create a NetDMR account by following these steps:

  1. From the NetDMR Login page Click register for a new account.
  2. Fill out the required information on the Create a NetDMR Account page and click Submit.
  3. Confirm that the information is correct on the Verify NetDMR Account Request page and click Verify.
  4. You will receive an email from NetDMR in the email account you provided; click on the link in the email.
  5. The Complete NetDMR Account Create Process page will open.
  6. Answer the security question, create a password for the account, and enter the password a second time.
  7. Click Submit to complete the create account process.


After you create a NetDMR account, you can login by:

  1. Accessing the NetDMR Login page.
  2. Entering your username.
  3. Entering your password.
  4. Clicking Submit.

Common Login Problems

If you cannot log in to your account, below are steps to resolve common login issues. These directions are applicable only after you have created a NetDMR account.

Retrieve Forgotten User Name

  1. Click Forgot User Name? on the NetDMR Login page.
  2. Enter the email address you used to create your NetDMR account.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Answer the security question that is displayed.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. If you provided an email address that is in the NetDMR database and answered the security question correctly, your user name will be displayed.

Reset a Forgotten Password

  1. Click Forgot Password? on the NetDMR Login page.
  2. Enter the email address you used to create your NetDMR account.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Answer the security question.
  5. Click Submit.
    If you provided an email address that is in the NetDMR database and answered the security question correctly, a message with information on how to reset your password will be forwarded to your email account.
  6. Click on the link provided in the email to access the Complete the NetDMR Password Reset Request page.
  7. Answer the security question.
  8. Enter a new password. (Note that your new password must be different than the last 10 passwords you specified for your account.)
  9. Enter the new password again.
  10. Click Submit.

Expired Password

After a certain time period, your password will expire and you will need to create a new one. If your password has expired, after logging in to NetDMR, the Expired Password page will display. Follow these directions to reset an expired password.

  1. Answer the security question.
  2. Enter your current password.
  3. Enter a new password. Your new password must be different than the last 10 passwords you used for your account.
  4. Enter the new password again.
  5. Click Submit.

Disabled Account

If your account is disabled due to too many invalid authentication attempts, the Disabled Account page will d isplay and you will be locked out for 30 minutes. You will then be able to try again.

  1. Answer the security question.
  2. Click Submit.

If you respond correctly to the security question, you will be directed back to the NetDMR Login page to login to your account.

Locked Account

If your account is locked, the Locked Account page will display after you attempt to login. Contact your regulatory authority and request to have your account unlocked.

Request Access

You can request the following types of roles to access DMRs and CORs associated with a specific Permit ID using NetDMR:

  • Read Only
  • Edit
  • Signatory
  • Permit Administrator

The first access request must be for Signatory/Permit Administrator.

Read Only or Edit Roles

Follow these directions to request the Read Only or Edit role:

  • Login to your NetDMR account.
  • Click the Request Access tab on the top left.
  • Enter the Permit ID that you would like to access.
  • Click Update.
  • Click in the box next to Roles and select either Read Only or Edit from the list.
  • Click Add Request, then hit Submit.
  • Confirm the request has been added to the Summary of Access Requests Table at the bottom of the page and click Submit.
  • Confirm the information displayed is correct and click Confirm.

Your read only and edit access requests are forwarded to the appropriate Administrator for approval. NetDMR will send a notification message to the email address associated with your account after the Administrator approves or denies your access request.

Signatory Role

Follow these directions to request the Signatory role for a Permit ID and associated DMRs:

  • Login to your NetDMR account.
  • Click the Request Access tab on the top left.
  • Enter the Permit ID that you would like to access.
  • Click Update.
  • Click in the box next to Roles and select Signatory.
  • Click Add Request.
  • Confirm the request has been added to the Summary of Access Requests Table at the bottom of the page and click Submit.
  • On the Additional Information Required page, select your relationship to the facility then:
    • "I have the authority to enter into this Agreement for the Permittee under the applicable standards"
    • "I am authorized by the person below who does that the authority to enter into this Agreement for the Permittee under the applicable standards." AND provide their Name and Title
  • Click Submit.
  • Verify the information displayed and click Confirm.
  • Click Print Subscriber Agreement.
  • Fill out any information requested on the hard copy and sign the Subscriber Agreement.
  • Mail the Agreement to your Regulatory Authority at the address listed at the bottom of the document.

Managing Access Requests

If you have Permit Administrator rights you can approve or deny requests from state and region regulatory authorities or Permittee and Data Provider Users for access to permits within your instance. Only regulatory authority can approve Permittee users - subscriber agreement. The specific types of access request you can respond to include:

  • External Edit Access Requests: Edit access allows a permittee user to view and edit DMRs.
  • External View Access Requests: View access allows a Permittee user to view DMRs but not modify any entries.
  • External Data Provider Access Requests: Data provider access allows a Data Provider user to view and edit DMRs.
  • Internal View Partial Access Requests: Internal view partial access allows a user from the regulatory authority that manages your permits to view a partially completed DMR. This may be useful if you need assistance with a DMR.

Managing User Access Requests

  • Log into your NetDMR account as a Permit Administrator and scroll down to the Pending Access Requests – External table at the bottom of the Permit Administrator Home page to view all pending requests. This is on the manager header, not on the front page.
  • Locate the user of interest in the table. You can click any underlined column title to sort the users in ascending or descending order.
  • Approve or deny the users requests by clicking the check box in the Approve or Deny column. If you deny access you must enter a reason in the Comment column.
  • Click Submit.
  • When the confirmation message appears click Submit.

Deleting User Access Rights

  • Click on Users under the Search menu. Locate the user of interest on the User Search Results page and click on the check box in the Delete Role column.
  • The Add Comments for Access Rights Removal page will appear. Enter the reason for removing the acess rights in the Comments field.
  • Click Confirm Removal.
  • When the confirmation page appears press Ok.

Search Permits

You can search for a permit from the Permit Administrator or Signatory Home page by following these steps:

  1. Click on Permits in the gray Search tab.
  2. Type the nine-digit ID and click Search.
  3. The View Permit Details page will be displayed.
  4. To add a new email address to the DMR Submission Notifications table, type the email address into the Enter another email address field and click Add. To remove an email address click on the x icon in the Delete User column for the email address.
  5. When you have finished viewing the permit click Cancel to return to the Search Permit ID page.

Search Users

You can search for users from the home page by following these steps:

  1. Click on Users in the gray Search tab.
  2. Enter criteria for the user. Click Search.
  3. The User Permit Results page will be displayed.
  4. After locating a user of interest click on the person icon in last column. The View User Account Details page will be displayed.
  5. You can click any underlined column title to sort Users in ascending or descending order.
  6. Click Submit to save any changes or delete roles or Cancel to return to the User Search Results page.

Viewing All Permit Signatories

Permit Administrators are able to view a list of all signatories for the permits they administer by following these steps:

  1. Click on Permits within the gray View tab.
  2. The View Permits page will be displayed.
  3. You can click any underlined column title to sort the signatories in ascending or descending order.
  4. You can navigate the View Permit Details page by clicking on the box icon within the row of the desired signatory.

Viewing All Permit Users

Permit Administrators can view all of the users that can access the permits they administer by following these steps:

  1. Click on Users within the gray View tab.
  2. The View Users page will be displayed.
  3. You can click any underlined column title to sort the User Roles in ascending or descending order.
  4. You can the person icon within the row of the desired user to display the View User Details Page.

Sign and Submit DMRs

A Signatory can search for a DMR to sign and submit by selecting to either search all DMRs or selecting only those that are ready to submit, then choosing up to 100 DMRs at a time to digitally sign and submit to ICIS. Only DMRs with a status of 'NetDMR validated,' for which all soft errors have been acknowledged, can be signed.

Search for DMRs Ready to be Signed

  1. Click on DMRs Ready to Submit from the Search menu on your homepage.
  2. Choose to search All DMRs, by DMR Permit ID, or by DMR Facility and press Search.
  3. If DMRs are found matching your criteria the DMR/COR Search Results page will be displayed.
  4. You can click any underlined column title to sort DMRs/CORs in ascending or descending order.
  5. If only one DMR needs to be signed and submitted, select "Sign and Submit" from the Next Step(s) dropdown box and click Go. Make sure the DMR status is "NetDMR Validated" then click Sign & Submit.
  6. If all DMRs need to be signed and submitted, click Check All within the Include in Batch Submit title.
  7. If some DMRs need to be signed and submitted, check the box of each DMR to be signed and click Sign & Submit Checked DMRs.

Sign and Submit DMRs

  1. Click on the box under Include in Submission next to the DMR(s) to be signed and submitted.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass under View Completed DMR if you wish to review the DMR in a new window.
  3. Enter the correct answer to the Security Question.
  4. Enter your Password.
  5. Click Submit.

View Submission Errors/Warnings

If you receive an email notifying you that ICIS has processed the DMR and errors or warnings were encountered, follow the directions below to view these errors.

  1. Search for the DMR that was submitted.
  2. Click on the Next Step(s) drop down box and click "Review Last Submissions Errors/Warnings."
  3. Click Go.

Search for DMRs & Copies of Record

You can search for DMRs & CORs by following these steps:

  • Click on All DMRs & CORs in the gray Search tab.
  • You can either:
  • Enter your desired search criteria and press Search.
  • If you have Edit access, search for DMRs ready to be submitted by clicking on the gray DMRs Ready to Submit search tab. Enter your desired search criteria and press Search.

Edit a DMR

You can edit a DMR by following these steps:

  1. Choose a DMR on the DMR/COR Search Results page and select "Edit DMR" from the Next Steps drop down box and click Go.
  2. You can navigate through the parameters by using the green arrows or sort parameters in ascending or descending order by clicking any underlined column title.
  3. The header may be collapsed by clicking Collapse Header or expanded by clicking Expand Header.
  4. In the header you may enter the information about the Principal Executive Officer.
  5. If you do not have any data to submit for this DMR you may select the No Data Indicator (NODI) option that applies in the header. Select the appropriate option from the Form NODI drop down box and click Apply.
  6. If you do have data to enter you will do so in the parameter section. Each parameter contains cells for entering 2 quantity measurement values and up to 3 concentration measurement values.
  7. If you do not have data for one parameter you may select the appropriate option from the Parameter NODI drop down box.
  8. At the top of the Edit DMR page there are various hyperlinks
    1. Clear Parameter Fields: This will erase all editable fields in the Parameter Section and restore the defaults listed in the permit.
    2. Save & Continue: This will save your edits and remain on the page for further edits. Clicking this link will also cause NetDMR to recheck the data for hard and soft errors, update the DMR's status, and reload the page. If any hard or soft errors are found they will be displayed in the Edit Check Errors table.
    3. Save & Exit: This will save your edits. It will also cause NetDMR to check for hard and soft errors, update the DMR's status, and return you to the DMR/COR Search Results page. If any hard or soft errors are found they will be listed in the Edit Check Errors table.
    4. Sign & Submit: If the DMR's status is "NetDMR Validated" a permittee with Signatory role may click this link to sign and submit this DMR.
    5. Print Friendly View: This will allow you to view the DMR in a print friendly format.
    6. Cancel/Back to Search Results: Clicking this link will return you to the DMR/COR Search Results page.
  1. Once you have entered your data and clicked Save & Continue or Save & Exit, your hard and soft errors will be displayed in the Edit Check Errors table. If you have any hard or soft errors it will change your DMR's status to "NetDMR Validation Errors" and will not be available to be signed and submitted. In order to prepare you DMR for submission you must resolve your hard errors and acknowledge your soft errors.
  2. To add an attachment, go to the Attachments section and click on Add Attachment. The Add Attachment page will be displayed. Click on Browse… and use the "Choose file" popup window to choose the file you want to attach. Once you've selected the desired file click on Attach File. Be sure that your file is not greater than 20 MB or file type com, dll, exe, or vbs.

Import DMRs

To import a file containing DMRs, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a properly formatted import file according to the specifications provided in the following section (see Import DMR File Format below).
  2. On the Home page click Perform Import under the Import DMRs tab.
  3. Click Browse… to open the "Choose file" popup window and select the file you wish to import.
  4. Once you have selected the file, click on the drop down box for file type and select the file being imported. Valid file types are tst, csv, and zip files. (This field is mandatory.)
  5. Data Replacement Strategy should be set to "Append and Overwrite".
  6. Enter a description of the import file.
  7. Click Submit Import File.
  8. After you import a file, NetDMR adds it to the import queue. You can view the status of the import request on the Check DMR Import Results page. Once the DMR has been processed, NetDMR will notify you by email and make any errors available on the Check DMR Import Results page. You can view the status and error messages generated during the processing of a DMR import request by clicking on the paper/arrow icon which will take you to the DMR Import Log page.
  9. If necessary edit the DMR then notify a Signatory that the DMR is ready to sign and submit.

Files to be imported into NetDMR cannot be larger than 20 MG in size. The DMR import file must be in comma delimited or comma separated value format (csv) and be saved with an extension of '.txt' or a '.txt' file that is zipped according to the PKWare zip format and saved with an extension of '.zip'.

  1. Any line in the file beginning with the pound sign (#) is treated as a comment and will be ignored by the import.
  2. The date for each parameter is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF) For example:
    aaa,bbb,ccc CRLF

    zzz,yyy,xxx CRLF
  3. The last record in the file may or may not have an ending line break. For example:
    aaa,bbb,ccc CRLF

  4. A header line must appear as the first line of the file with the same format as normal record lines. This header contains names corresponding to the fields in the file and contains the same number of fields as the records in the rest of the file. For example:
    field_name,field_name,field_name CRLF

    aaa,bbb,ccc CRLF

    zzz,yyy,xxx CRLF
  5. Within the header and each record, there can be one or more fields, separated by commas. Each line should contain the same number of fields throughout the file. Spaces are considered part of a field and should not be ignored. The last field in the record must not be followed by a comma. For example:
  6. Each field may or may not be enclosed in double quotes. If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then double quotes cannot appear inside the fields. If surrounding double quotes are used, the initial double quote must immediately follow the comma delimiter separating the field from the previous field and the final double quote must immediately precede the comma separating the field from the next field. For example:
    "aaa","bbb","ccc" CRLF


    aaa","b,bb","ccc" CRLF

  7. If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote. For example:
  8. Fields that do not contain any data can either be surrounded in double quotes or be empty. For example:
    "a","b","c" CRLF

    a,,c CRLF


Correct a DMR

If you have edit access you can correct a previously submitted DMR by following these steps:

  1. On the Permit Administrator Home page search for all DMRs with a Status of "Completed" or "Submission Errors/Warnings".
  2. Click Search.
  3. On the DMR/COR Search Results page select "Correct DMR" in the Next Step(s) column for the DMR you wish to correct and click Go.
  4. Make changes to the DMR as needed, acknowledge any soft errors, then click Save & Continue to save the DMR.
  5. Inform the signatory that the DMR is ready for signature and submission.
    A signatory must perform the following steps to complete the DMR deletion process:
  6. Click on Sign & Submit at the top or bottom of the page.
  7. On the Sign & Submit DMR page click on the box under Include in Submission to confirm your intent to sign and submit the corrected DMR.
  8. Click on the magnifying glass under View Completed DMR if you wish to review the DMR in a new window.
  9. Enter the correct answer to the Security Question.
  10. Enter your Password.
  11. Click Submit.

Delete a DMR

If you have edit access you can delete a previously submitted DMR by following these steps:

  1. Search for the DMR you would like to delete.
  2. On the DMR/COR Search Results page, locate the DMR you would like to delete and select "Correct DMR" from the Next Steps drop down box then click Go.
  3. On the Edit DMR page click Clear Parameter Fields to clear all sample values and NODI codes.
  4. Delete the data out of the Principal Executive Officer information and comments fields and remove any attachments.
  5. Click Save & Continue
  6. Inform the signatory that the DMR is ready for signature and submission.
    A signatory must perform the following steps to complete the DMR deletion process:
  7. Click on Sign & Submit at the top or bottom of the page.
  8. On the Sign & Submit DMR page click on the box under Include in Submission to confirm your intent to sign and submit the corrected DMR.
  9. Click on the magnifying glass under View Completed DMR if you wish to review the DMR in a new window.
  10. Enter the correct answer to the Security Question.
  11. Enter your Password.
  12. Click Submit.

Download a Blank DMR

You can view and download a blank DMR form to print off, fill out and return to the proper regulatory authority by following these steps:

  1. Click on "Blank DMR Form" within the gray Download tab.
  2. A PDF version of the blank DMR form will be displayed. You can use the arrows to move between pages.
  3. You can either:
    1. Print the form by clicking the printer icon.
    2. Save the form on your computer by clicking the floppy disk icon. When the "Save a Copy as" window opens, enter a file name and click Save.

Copy of Records (CORs)

You can search for CORs using the All DMRs and CORs section of your Home page:

  1. Click on the All DMRs & CORs tab.
  2. Enter your desired search criteria and click Search.
  3. Use the green arrows to search through your results. You can click any underlined column title to sort parameters in ascending or descending order.
  4. You can either:
    1. View the COR by clicking the hyperlinked date under COR Received Date for the COR of interest.
    2. Download the COR by checking the box under Include in Batch COR Download and then clicking Download Checked CORs (see more info. below).

Downloading a COR

  1. Once you have located a COR you wish to download and have selected it and clicked Download Checked CORs a File Download popup window will appear.
  2. Click Save.
  3. The Windows Save As dialog will appear. Click on the Save In drop down box to select a location to save the file into, then click Save.
  4. The Download complete window will appear. Click Close to return to the previous page.
  5. Click on the box under Include in Submission next to the DMR(s) to be signed and submitted.
  6. Click on the magnifying glass under View Completed DMR if you wish to review the DMR in a new window.
  7. Enter the correct answer to the Security Question.
  8. Enter your Password.
  9. Click Submit.