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Water Quality Management Planning

Water Quality Management Plan

The Illinois Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) identifies the policies and recommendations of the State of Illinois for the protection of water quality and the control of point and nonpoint source pollution. The WQMP provides a unifying framework for wastewater facilities planning, basin planning, and area-wide planning carried out in Illinois under Sections 201, 303(e), and 208 of the Clean Water Act, respectively. This unifying framework guides the implementation of Illinois' point and nonpoint source water pollution control programs.

Sections 205(j), 208 and 303 of the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR 130.6 require that the following nine elements be included in the WQMP or referenced as part of the WQMP if contained in separate documents.

  1. Total maximum daily loads,
  2. Effluent limitations,
  3. Municipal and industrial waste treatment,
  4. Nonpoint source management and control,
  5. Management agencies,
  6. Implementation measures,
  7. Dredge or fill program,
  8. Basin plans, and
  9. Groundwater.

The WQMP addresses the control of pollution sources, maintenance of stream use and water quality standards, protection of ground water resources, and control of hydrologic modifications. In addition to the assurance of sound economic and environmental decision making, the WQMP is also intended to serve as a tool to protect the Federal and State investment in pollution control facilities. The original WQMP has been frequently amended to reflect specific changes in various program elements.

The WQMP consists of initial plans produced in accordance with sections 208 and 303(e) of the Clean Water Act and certified and approved updates to the WQMP. Updates to the WQMP that have been incorporated by reference include the following:

  • approved facilities plans;
  • approved watershed-based plans;
  • approved total maximum daily loads and associated implementation plans;
  • Illinois' Continuing Planning Process;
  • Illinois Integrated Water Quality Report and Section 303(d) List;
  • Performance Partnership Agreement Between Illinois EPA and Region 5, USEPA;
  • Illinois Water Monitoring Strategy;
  • Illinois Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program;
  • Illinois' Nonpoint Source Management Program;
  • Illinois Groundwater Protection Program Report; and
  • NPDES permits excluding industrial process, thermal, and non-contact cooling water NPDES permits.

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