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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Water Quality Management Plan

Section 604(b) Water Quality Management Grant Program

Grants are available to Areawide Planning Agencies and other entities to carry out water quality management planning activities that protect water quality in Illinois. Projects must address water quality issues.

Grant funds can be used to determine the nature, extent, and causes of point and nonpoint source water pollution; develop water quality management plans; develop technical and administrative guidance tools for water pollution control; develop preliminary designs for best management practices (BMPs) to address water quality problems; implement administrative water pollution controls; and educate the public about the impact and importance of water pollution control.

Illinois EPA receives these funds through Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act and administers the program within Illinois. The project period is two years unless otherwise approved. This is a reimbursement program.

**The application acceptance period for the Section 604b Grant Program is NOW OPEN and accepting applications from October 3, 2023 until 12:00 PM (CST) November 15, 2023.**

(More information regarding this funding opportunity can be found further down this page)


Applications for the Section 604(b) Grant Program will be accepted October 3, 2023 through 12:00 PM (CST) on November 15, 2023. Applications must be submitted through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal.

If you have any questions regarding the program or application, contact:

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Water
Watershed Management Section
2520 W Iles Ave
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
(217) 782-3362

Section 604b Application

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