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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Used Tire Transportation Registration

Used or Waste Tire Transporter Registration Application

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

How do I know if I need to register with Illinois EPA as a used or waste tire transporter?

Individuals who transport more than 20 used or waste tires at one time must register with Illinois EPA as a used or waste tire transporter. Only vehicles that are registered with Illinois EPA may transport loads of more than 20 used or waste tires.

How do I become a registered used or waste tire transporter in Illinois?

To become a registered used tire transporter in Illinois, the applicant must submit a completed original Used Tire Transportation Registration Application and 39i certification. The application includes a fillable Adobe Acrobat PDF form that can be completed online to print, sign, and submit to Illinois EPA. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat on your PC, it can be downloaded for free here. If you have questions regarding Adobe Acrobat, refer to the Adobe the FAQs.

How do I add a vehicle to my registration if my application was already approved?

Any vehicle(s) added during the term of registration must be registered by submitting a complete original application marked "Added Vehicle." The application should only list the new vehicles you are requesting be added to the permit. The expiration date for the added vehicles will be the same date as the expiration date of the existing registration.

Is there a fee to register my vehicle(s) with Illinois EPA?

No, there is no charge to the applicant to register vehicle(s) with Illinois EPA.

How long will it take for my registration to get approved?

State law requires Illinois EPA to review (and approve or deny) applications within 90 calendar days of receipt. However, registration approval often takes significantly less than 90 days.

Does my registration expire?

The registration period is two years from the date of Illinois EPA approval. Illinois EPA does not send renewal reminders to current registrants. Please keep track of your registration expiration date and submit your renewal application at least 90 days in advance of the current expiration date.

Application Details and 39i Certification

What if an item on the application doesn't apply to me?

For items that do not apply, please enter "N/A" (not applicable). Do not leave any item on the application blank. If an application is reviewed and found to be incomplete or incorrect, it will be returned to the applicant. Applications must be signed by both owner and operator (or authorized representative). Applications not signed in both spaces will be rejected and returned to the applicant. Items that should not be marked as N/A include:

  • Name of person(s) or transportation company
  • Name of principal or authorized person
  • Driver's license number (authorized person and owner of vehicles)
  • Location address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Principal owner of vehicles
  • Owners mailing address
  • Phone
  • County
  • Vehicle insurance company and policy number
  • At least one processing/disposal facility
  • Vehicle information (license plate number and state, make model and year of vehicle, capacity (in estimated number of tires), description of the trailer, and VIN)
  • Signatures – for both the transportation company manager and vehicle owner (or authorized representative)

Is a 39i certification form required with each Used or Waste Tire Transportation Application?

Yes. Illinois law requires the submission of a 39i certification form as part of Illinois EPA's review of applications for transportation licenses necessitated by the [Illinois] Environmental Protection Act.

Where do I find the 39i certification form?

The 39i certification form is included in the Used or Waste Tire Transportation Registration Application Packet. Both are fillable Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF forms:  Used Tire Transportation Registration Application and 39i certification.

Do the operator and owner need to submit separate 39is?

If the owner and operator are separate entities, they must submit separate 39(i) certification forms. However, only one 39(i) certification form needs to be submitted if the owner and operator are the same entity.

Which 39i certification form should I complete?

Complete the 39i certification form for Transporters.

Vehicle Description Sheets

What is considered a vehicle?

Vehicle is defined as every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn, except devices moved by human power or by animal power, devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, and motorized wheelchairs. For the purposes of the Used or Waste Tire Transportation Registration Application, the vehicle is the device used to transport used tires (tank trailer, flatbed, roll-off, etc.)

What if I am registering multiple vehicles?

Applicants registering several pieces of equipment may use additional vehicle description sheets as needed. Complete all information fields for all vehicles you are requesting to be registered.

If I am renewing my registration, can I use the forms from my previous application?

No. Complete the new application entirely and mark the application as a "Renewal." Even if you have a copy of the fillable PDF saved on your PC, it is best practice to gain access to the Used Tire Transportation Registration Application from Illinois EPA's website to ensure you are utilizing the current forms prescribed by Illinois EPA.  Used Tire Transportation Registration Application and 39i certification.

Does the capacity description need to be the same for each vehicle?

Yes, the capacity must be listed in tires. 

Vehicle placarding

Does my vehicle need to be placarded?

Yes, upon approval of a registration as a tire transporter, the transporter must place, on opposite sides of each vehicle, a placard that displays a number issued by Illinois EPA following the words "Registered Tire Transport: (number)". No person shall provide, deliver, or transport used or waste tires to a tire transporter for transport unless the transporter's vehicle displays a placard issued by Illinois EPA.

When will I receive my vehicle placard?

Vehicle placards for your permit expiration date are sent with the registration approval notice. The other required placards must be purchased by the permitted hauler.

Is there a certain way to placard a vehicle?

A registered vehicle must be properly placarded on both sides of the vehicle. Vehicle placarding instructions are provided below.

Notice of Rejection

How do I know if my registration application was rejected?

Illinois EPA will send you a notice of rejection stating the reasons for the rejection.

What should I do if my application was rejected?

Applicants can resubmit to Illinois EPA a corrected Used Tire Transportation Registration Application and 39i certification for consideration.

General Information

To become a registered used tire transporter in Illinois, the applicant must submit a completed original Used Tire Transportation Registration Application and 39i certification. The application is a fillable Adobe Acrobat PDF form that can be completed online before it is printed, signed and submitted to the Illinois EPA.

You may either:

  1. complete the application online, print the application, sign, and mail it to the address at the top of the application form; or
  2. print the application and complete it manually, sign, and mail the application to the address at the top of the application form.

In either case, you must submit an original completed application to Illinois EPA. Applications received via FAX, e-mail, or other means that do not include original signatures by the owner and operator of the vehicle(s) to be registered will not be considered for approval.

Once the application is completed, mail it to:

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau of Land/Used Tire Program
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794-9276

Any vehicle(s) added during the term of the registration must be registered by submitting a complete original application marked "Added Vehicle." The expiration date for the added vehicles will be the same date as the expiration date of the existing registration.


Top Portion of Page 1:

Indicate whether the application is a: new application (never before registered), renewal, or application for an added vehicle to a previously-issued registration. Do not mark more than one choice under this section. If the application represents a renewal or an added vehicle, enter the registration number from the previously-issued registration. In addition, enter the expiration date from the previously-issued registration, if applicable. Indicate whether you would like to be listed as a commercial (for-hire) used tire transporter. Illinois EPA maintains a list of registered commercial used tire transporters on our web site as a service to tire retailers and the public.

Please enter the 10-digit Illinois EPA Bureau of Land inventory number if known.

Part 1: Owner and Operator Information

All fields in Part 1 must be completed. If any item does not apply to you, enter "N/A" (not applicable). Do not leave the non-applicable item blank. If an application is reviewed and found to be incomplete or incorrect, it will be rejected and returned to the applicant. Applications must be signed by both owner and operator (or authorized representative). Applications not signed in both spaces will be rejected and returned to the applicant.

Part 2: Receiving Facilities

Provide the name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of all facilities where you transport used tires for processing or disposal. All facilities listed must be operating registered commercial used tire processing facilities. Illinois EPA maintains an online list of registered commercial used tire processing facilities.

Part 3: The Vehicle Description Sheets

When completing the vehicle description, note that each of the three sections has two parts and all must be completed for each vehicle. Applications registering several pieces of equipment may use additional vehicle description sheets as needed. Complete both parts of all three sections.

If vehicle(s) to be registered includes a tractor-trailer, only the trailer (vehicle) is registered in Illinois. All six items on the vehicle description sheet will apply to the trailer. Tractors are listed only when being used with roll-off equipment that connects directly to the power unit. In that situation, the first two columns (a and b) will be tractor information. A and B in the last columns will be:

a. roll-off box

b. the capacity (30cy)

In this situation (roll-off box connected directly to power unit) only the tractor will be registered and placarded. When registering a tractor-trailer, only the trailer is registered and placarded.

  State License Plate No.

a. state from which plates are assigned

b. license plate number

a. make-model year

b. identification (S/N)

a. type

b. capacity


a. IL

b. 6352

a. Mack 1986

b. P932502

a. Roll-off boxes

b. 30 cy


a. IL

b. 3925ST

a. Freuhauf 1962

b. 3529203

a. Van trailer

b. 40 ft.

Should you have any questions concerning the completion, submittal or review of the Used Tire Transportation Registration Application, please contact Illinois EPA at (217) 524-3269.

Vehicle Placarding Instructions

  1. The Used Tire Transportation Registration number is a company-specific 5 digit number. The registration number consists of a "T" followed by four unique numbers specific to the approved applicant. The approved applicant's registration number ("T" number") must be placed below the words "Registered Tire Transporter," and above the expiration seal that is sent to the applicant upon registration approval. A proper vehicle placard must be placed on both sides of each registered vehicle.
  2. Numbers and letters shall not be less than 2" high and shall be permanently affixed (i.e. painted) and must be removable only by destruction. The figures are to read from left to right, be of contrasting color to their background, and be maintained in a legible condition.
  3. Directly adjacent to said words and number, the vehicle owner and operator shall display a seal furnished by Illinois EPA which shall designate the date on which the registration shall expire.
  4. Below is an illustration of a proper vehicle placard:

    Registered Tire Transporter

T_ _ _ _    

(Illinois EPA-issued expiration seal)

If you have any unusual vehicle configuration that creates problems complying with the above display criteria, contact Illinois EPA at (217) 524-3269.