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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Calculate Emissions

You can use the pages in this section to calculate emissions on-line for your source or specific emission unit. These calculation screens use emission factors from USEPA (or permit conditions) that are more up-to-date than the instructions you received for the annual emissions report.

When you select a link, you will be prompted to fill in various pieces of information. Typically, this data has to do with how much material you burned or put through the process in a year. When you have entered the appropriate information (with the correct units) and selected any other values that are necessary, click on the "Calculate Emissions" button. Your emissions will be calculated for you. Print a copy of this page if you want. This data is not stored on our website.

For those of you submitting a short report, all you have to do is transfer the emissions to the emissions page of your report. Sum all emission units as necessary. If you want, a copy of the calculation form can be sent with your report. If you are required to submit a long report, the detail information on the emission unit must still be reported.

These are by far the most common emission units that have readily available emission factors. Let us know if there are any other types of equipment you would like to see here.