EJ Notification Letters
To provide enhanced public outreach about permit applications received by the Illinois EPA, the Office of EJ (OEJ) distributes EJ notification letters to individuals, elected officials, community groups, and any member of the public that signs up to receive notifications. Certain minor permit changes such as administrative changes (name changes, etc.) may not undergo the EJ notification process.
To receive EJ notification letters by email, please sign up here. To learn more about the EJ notification process, please review the Illinois EPA’s EJ Notification Process factsheet (Proceso de Notificación de Justicia Ambiental). The EJ notification letter includes a distribution list of all organizations receiving the letter. If you identify an organization when signing up to receive e-notifications, this information will be represented on the letter's public distribution list.
View the chart below to access letters sent.
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Facility Name | Address | Bureau | Bureau Site ID | Permit Type | Permit Number | Public Notice Required? | Date Sent |