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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Control Device Codes

019 Catalytic afterburner
020 Catalytic afterburner with heat exchanger
021 Direct flame afterburner
022 Direct flame afterburner with heat exchanger
023 Flare
025 Staged combustion
026 Flue gas recirculation
029 Low-excess air firing
031 Air injection
035 Magnesium oxide scrubbing
036 Dual alkali scrubbing
038 Ammonia scrubbing
041 Dry limestone injection
042 Wet limestone injection
045 Sulfur plant
046 Process change
048 Adsorption - Activated carbon or other
049 Liquid filtration system
050 Packed gas absorption column
051 Tray type gas absorption column
052 Spray tower
054 Process enclosed
056 Dynamic separator (dry)
057 Dynamic separator (wet)
058 Mat or panel filter
059 Metal fabric filter screen
060 Process gas recovery
063 Gravel bed filter
064 Annular ring filter
065 Catalytic reduction
066 Molecular sieve
067 Wet lime slurry scrubbing
068 Alkaline fly ash scrubbing
069 Sodium carbonate scrubbing
070 Sodium alkali scrubbing
075 Cyclone/centrifugal collector
079 Dry electrostatic granular filter
082 Ozonation
085 Wet cyclonic separator
086 Water curtain
087 Nitrogen blanket
088 Conservation vent
089 Bottom filling
093 Submerged filling
095 White paint
096 Vapor lock balance recovery system
097 Secondary seal on floating roof tank
099 Other control device
101 High efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA)
102 Low solvent coatings
103 Powder coatings
104 Waterborne coatings
109 Catalytic oxidizer
110 Vapor recovery unit
112 Afterburner
113 Rotoclone
117 Packed scrubber
119 Dry scrubber
121 Cyclones (multiple)
127 Fabric filter/baghouse
128 Electrostatic precipitator - dry
131 Rotoclone
132 Condenser
133 Incinerator
139 Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
140 Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR)
141 Wet scrubber
146 Electrostatic precipitator - wet
147 Increased air/fuel ratio with intercooling
149 Pre-combustion chamber
154 Screened drums or cages
157 Screen
201 Knock out box
202 Spray dryer adsorber
203 Catalytic converter
204 Overfire air
205 Low NOx burners
206 Dry sorbent injection
207 Activated carbon injection
208 Freeboard refrigeration device
209 Gravity collector
211 Mist eliminator
212 Steam injection
213 Water injection
214 Low nitrogen content fuel
215 Flue gas desulfurization
217 Dust suppression
218 Electrostatic spraying
301 Fuel reburning
302 Bio filter
303 Catalytic additives
304 Enclosed combustor
305 Diesel particulate filters
306 Duct sorbent injection
307 Furnace sorbent injection
308 Wet sorbent injection
309 Leak detection and repair (LDAR) program
310 Non-selective catalytic reduction (NSCR)
311 Other pollution prevention technique
312 Oxidation catalyst
313 Spray booth and filter
314 Spray booth and overspray arrestor
315 Spray guns - High volume, low pressure (HVLP)
316 Ultra low NOx Burners
317 Recuperative thermal oxidizer
318 Product substitution
319 Regenerative thermal oxidizer