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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Beloit Corporation

Beloit Corporation Superfund Project

Rockton, Illinois

The Beloit Corporation was a manufacturer of paper-making machines located in Rockton (Winnebago), Illinois. Volatile Organic Chemicals have been discovered on-site and in nearby residential wells. To ensure the homeowners were not drinking contaminated water, carbon treatment units were installed in homes in the Blackhawk Acres Subdivision that had concentrations of trichloroethylene exceeding drinking water standards. The Illinois EPA is assessing the impact of the Chemtool fire on the pump-and-treat system and plans to make repairs to the impacted components of the system.

2021 Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling

Illinois EPA collected samples from groundwater monitoring wells located at the former Beloit Corporation Superfund site on June 25, 30 and July 14, 2021 following a fire at the Chemtool, Inc. facility, which is located on this Superfund site. Illinois EPA has confirmed the presence of elevated metals, including antimony, cadmium, chromium, and nickel, in some of the groundwater monitoring wells. As a result of elevated metals in the monitoring wells, initial private well sampling is being conducted near the monitoring wells to determine if any private drinking water wells have been impacted. As a precaution and at the direction of IDPH and WCHD,  residents with private wells that live in the Blackhawk neighborhood adjacent to the Chemtool property are recommended to NOT use their private well water for drinking or cooking. Once results from the initial sampling of private wells are finalized, Illinois EPA, IDPH and WCHD will determine next steps if any additional sampling is needed. Below are the sample results from the Groundwater Monitoring Wells.  Also see related news release.

Residential Private Well Sampling

On July 22, 2021, the Illinois EPA collected samples from 12 private wells near the groundwater monitoring wells where elevated metals were detected. The samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and metals. Based on these sample results, there has been no contamination of private wells with the metals identified at the Superfund site. There were no detections of antimony, cadmium, chromium and nickel (which were identified in monitoring wells) in any of the residential wells sampled. One private well sample exceeded the State's Groundwater Quality Standards (GWQS) for lead. The same private well also had a detection of copper that exceeded the health-based guidelines. Tetrachloroethylene (a VOC) was also detected in two other private wells, but the concentrations were below the GWQS and less than Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) health screening values. Based on the location of one of the wells, it is not expected to be related to the Beloit Corporation Superfund site. The IDPH has contacted the impacted well owners and will provide a detailed interpretation of the results, including potential health impacts and appropriate mitigations, for the impacted private well owners. Owners who have not been contacted by IDPH are unaffected but will also receive a summary of their results. See related News Release.