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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Fact Sheet 1

Superfund Project Remedial Investigation

Fact Sheet #1 June 1992

Rockton, Illinois


The Beloit Corporation is conducting a Remedial (environmental) Investigation as part of the Beloit Corporation Superfund Site project. The site is located northeast of Rockton, Illinois, in Winnebago County. The investigation will be financed by Beloit Corporation and carried out by Warzyn Engineering, with complete oversight by Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).

What is the purpose of the investigation?

The purpose of this investigation is to determine the nature and extent of contamination at the Beloit Corporation Site. Groundwater contamination in drinking water was found at several locations in the Blackhawk Subdivision during the 1988 Winnebago County Groundwater Study conducted by IEPA.

Where will the Remedial Investigation take place?

The Remedial Investigation will include all residences and commercial properties located within the site boundaries.( View site map).

When will the investigation begin and how long will it take?

The first phase of this investigation is scheduled to commence during the week of June 22,1992 with Phase 1 lasting about six weeks. You will be notified in advance if any additional work needs to be carried out.

How will the investigation be carried out?

The investigation will be carried out by sampling residential wells and performing soil gas surveys/soil borings. Also included will be the installation and sampling of several monitor wells.

Is residential well sampling necessary?

Previous IEPA investigations have revealed levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which have consistently exceeded the proposed drinking water standards in several private wells on Watts Avenue within the Blackhawk Subdivision. VOCs are a general category of chemicals containing carbon and hydrogen that tend to evaporate quickly in air. These chemicals are the primary constituent in degreasers and industrial solvents. IEPA believes that consuming water from these residential wells may pose health risks.

Why are monitoring welts installed?

The monitoring wells will be used to collect data on the direction of groundwater flow, the geology of the area, and the extent of contamination. Monitoring wells will be installed at different depths so the depth of contamination can be evaluated, as well as how large an area of contamination is present.

What is a soil gas survey?

The soil gas survey is a relatively quick method of evaluating approximate concentrations of VOCs near the ground surface. The soil gas survey is conducted by driving a hollow tube into the ground to a depth of three to four feet and withdrawing gas from the ground. The gas will be analyzed for VOCs found in the soil at the site.

How and when will we be informed about the investigation results?

Once field data have been collected and analyzed, verified laboratory results will be made available to the public. Residences whose wells have been sampled will be notified of their results. An explanation of these results will also be provided.

What will happen after the results are known?

The results will be evaluated to determine whether additional monitoring wells need to be installed or more work needs to be done to identify the source(s) of contamination. After all source(s) are identified and the Remedial Investigation is completed, a Feasibility Study will be prepared which will discuss alternatives for reducing or cleaning up the contamination. Before making a final decision on a cleanup, IEPA will hold a public hearing and comment period to receive written and oral public input regarding cleanup options. The final decision will include a summary of public comments along with IEPA responses.

If my house is sitting on contaminated groundwater, am I exposed to the contaminants?

The most significant ways of becoming exposed to contaminated groundwater are by drinking, cooking, bathing or inhaling water vapor from a contaminated private well.

If my neighbors' groundwater well has contamination, does my well have problems?

The geology at this site is extremely complicated. In addition, the site's close proximity to the Rock River causes variations in the groundwater directions. Because of these complications, your well may not necessarily show the same effects of contamination as your neighbor's well.

Where can I obtain additional information about this Superfund site?

Copies of the Community Relations Plan, Winnebago County Groundwater Study, and facts sheets describing the Superfund process have been placed for public review in The Talcott Free Library, 101 East Main Street, Rockton, Illinois 61072.

For Additional Information

Michelle Tebrugge

Community Relations Coord.

Illinois EPA

1021 N. Grand Ave. E.

Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

Phone: 217/524-4825
Eric Runkel

Project Manager

Illinois EPA

1021 N. Grand Ave. E.

Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

Phone: 217/782-0451