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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

General Permits

General Permits for Industrial Activity

Permit Expiration Notice: The General NPDES Permit for Industrial Activity expires on March 31, 2022. Part D. Paragraph 7.b. of the permit (Duty to Reapply) requires permittees to submit an NOI for renewal no later than 150 days after the new General Permit is issued. Permit Renewal does not require a fee.

A revised Storm Water Industrial Activity permit (ILR00) is presently being developed by the Agency.  Previous changes to the expired permit include:

  1. The permit requires the electronic submission of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for all new and existing discharges. The SWPPPs shall be submitted to For existing permits the SWPPP shall be submitted at the same time as the annual report.
  2. The permit requires the electronic submission of Annual Inspection Reports to:
  3. The permit now contains numerous changes to the contents of the SWPPP.
  4. A revised Notice of Intent has been developed which contains additional information similar to USEPA's Multi-Sector General Permit.
  5. Effective January 1, 2010, online Notices of Intent will be available. Refer to the Industrial Storm Water page for online submittals.

General Permits

Construction Site Activities General Permit

The renewal of the General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Site Activities (Permit No. ILR10) was finalized on September 13, 2023. This permit is effective as of September 22, 2023 and expires on August 31, 2028. Changes made from the previous permit include:

  1. Part I.B.1 has been revised to replace the term “waters of the state” with “Waters of the United States”
  2. Part I.C.2 has been revised to require permittees to modify their NOI within 30 days of a contractor change. Similarly, Part II.C.10 has been revised to require permittees to modify their NOI for all “substantial modifications to a project”, as identified in that part.
  3. Part II has been revised in compliance with the Federal Electronic Reporting Rule, requiring submission of documents through the Federal CDX system. All NOIs, SWPPPs, Notices of Termination, and other documents associated with application for or termination of permit coverage must be submitted electronically using the CDX System.
  4. Part II.A.2 has been revised to require dischargers covered under the current ILR10 permit to submit a new NOI and updated/revised SWPPP to the Agency no later than 180 days after the effective date of the reissued permit to maintain their coverage under the reissued permit.
  5. Part III.A.4.a and c-e have been revised to specify the limitations for discharges from dewatering activities. Additionally, Part III.A.4.a and e have been revised to replace the word “prevent” with the word “minimize”.
  6. Part IV.B.6 has been revised to require permittees to respond to requests for documentation from members of the public within 30 days.
  7. Part IV.D.1.e has been revised to allow applicants to submit multiple site maps when discharging to an MS4: one map of the site identifying the discharge location to the MS4, and another identifying the discharge point from the MS4 to surface water.
  8. Part IV.D.2.a.v-vi have been revised to include specific requirements for perimeter sediment controls and stormwater infiltration.
  9. Part IV.D.2.a.viii has been revised to allow discharges of tracked-out sediment if the discharges are first routed through a sediment basin, sediment trap, or similarly effective control.
  10. Part IV.D.2.c.i.b and Part IV.D.2.c.ii.a have been revised to replace the words “prevent” and “remove” with “minimize”, respectively.
  11. Part IV.D.2.c.ii.c has been added to include documentation requirements for situations in which inlet protection measures are not required due to conveyance to a subsequent control.
  12. Part IV.D.2.f.iii has been revised to include chemical storage and documentation requirements.
  13. Part IV.D.4 has been revised to include any person that has successfully completed USEPA’s Federal CGP Inspector Training as someone that meets the requirements of a “qualified person”.