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Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is considered to be the most important requirement of the General Permit. Each facility covered by this permit is required to develop a plan, tailored to the specific conditions and with the primary goal of controlling pollutants that may be discharged into storm water runoff.

Components of the Plan: Each storm water plan must include a site map and a description of the measures and controls that will be used to prevent and/or minimize pollution of storm water. The site description must include:

  • Topographic Map: Maps must extend one-fourth mile beyond the property line, showing the facility, surface water bodies, wells, seepage pits, infiltration ponds, storm water discharge points;
  • A Site Map: Maps should include all outfalls and storm water discharges, drainage areas of each storm water outfall, structural storm water pollution control measures (i.e. retention ponds, vegetation swales, sediment traps), name of receiving water/separate municipal storm sewer system, locations of exposed significant materials, location of past spills/leaks, location of high risk/waste-generating areas and activities;
  • Narrative Description:
    • Include the activities (industrial) occurring at the facility, significant materials that are treated, stored or disposed of in a manner to allow exposure with storm water;
    • Materials, equipment and vehicle maintenance practices employed to minimize contact of significant materials to storm water;
    • Existing structural and non-structural control measures employed to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges;
    • Industrial storm water discharge treatment facilities;
    • Methods of on-site storage and disposal of significant materials;
  • Material Inventory: A list of all materials, used, stored, or produced on site with emphasis on those materials that are exposed to storm water and have the potential of polluting storm water runoff;
  • List All Significant Spills or Leaks: Include all spills and leaks that occurred during the past three years;
  • Storm Water Management Controls:
    • Include all methods that will be utilized to control significant pollutants in storm water runoff;
    • Identify storm water pollution prevention plan personnel who will be responsible for developing, implementing and revising the plan;
    • Procedures for the inspection and maintenance of storm water conveyance system devices;
    • Good housekeeping policies and procedures;
    • Identify areas where significant spills may occur that would affect storm water discharges, as well as procedures for handling such events;
  • Storm Water Management Practices: List all measures to remove significant pollutants from the storm water (i.e. containment devices, oil-grease separators, debris and sediment controls, waste chemical disposal);
  • Sediment and Erosion Prevention: Identify topographic areas that have a high potential for erosion of soil and the methods to be employed to reduce such erosion;
  • Employee Training: Periodic training of all employees at all levels of responsibility should be conducted in the storm water pollution prevention plan. Topics should include spill response, materials/equipment handling procedures, and good housekeeping strategies;
  • Inspection Procedures: Qualified plant personnel should conduct periodic inspections, documenting such inspections and any corrective action to be initiated:
  • Non-Storm Water Discharges: A qualified plant employee should conduct a visual inspection of storm water to assure that non-storm water discharges are not entering the storm water (i.e. oil sheen). In addition, an inspection of procedures/equipment for the discharge on non-storm water should be conducted when appropriate. Laboratory testing is not required but should be conducted if reason exists to believe that significant pollutants are present in the storm water discharges;
  • Annual Inspection: An annual inspection is required that includes a review of the storm water pollution prevention plan, as well as the facility to assure all measures and controls are operating properly. The annual report should be submitted to the Agency as outlined in this permit;
  • Other Program Requirements: The plan shall include a description and records for additional federal and/or local programs that may affect storm water discharges (i.e. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures-SPCC);
  • Signature Requirements: The signature of the person responsible for the preparation of the initial plan and all subsequent amendments to the plan should be included.

SWPPP must be retained at the job site from the date of project initiation to the date of final stabilization.