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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

RCRA Permits for Storage/Treatment Facilities

Facilities which store or treat hazardous waste that is on-site for more than ninety days in containers or ranks must obtain a RCRA permit. In addition, facilities which use miscellaneous units to treat their hazardous waste on-site must also obtain a RCRA permit.

All facilities which receive hazardous waste from off-site and manage it in containers, tanks, or miscellaneous units must obtain a RCRA permit. The only exemption to this requirement is if that set forth in 35 Ill. Admin Code 723.112 which allows a transporter who stores manifested shipments of hazardous waste containers at a transfer facility for a period less than ten days without a RCRA permit. 

The following forms must be used/submitted in developing an application for a RCRA permit or a renewed RCRA permit for a hazardous waste storage or treatment facility:

The following forms must be used/submitted in developing an application to modify a RCRA permit:

The following forms must be submitted to transfer ownership or operation of a RCRA permitted facility to another entity:

The following forms must be submitted along with a closure documentation report in certifying closure of a permitted hazardous waste management unit:

The following forms must be submitted along with a post-closure care documentation report in certifying completion of post-closure care of a permitted hazardous waste management unit: