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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Set-Aside Breakdown (DRAFT)

  Phase 1 Phase 2  
Category   Breakdown 76,230 63,525 Timing Aggregation Look Back Allowance Availability
  Energy Efficiency (EE) (%) (#) (#) (Years) (Yes/No) (Years) Exisitng Utility New Utility Anyone
Demand Side Management (DSM) 2% 1525 1271 5-7 Yes 3     X
  Energy Efficient New Construction (EENC) 2% 1525 1271 5-7 Yes 3     X
  Supply Side Energy Efficiency (SSEE) 2% 1525 1271 5-10 Yes 3 X    
  Subtotal 6% 4574 3812  
  Renewable Energy (RE)      
2) Zero Emission Energy Unit (ZEEU) 4% 3049 2541 ∞ * Yes 5     X
  Renewable Energy Emission Unit (REEU) 2% 1525 1271 ∞ * Yes 5     X
  Subtotal 6% 4574 3812  
3) Upgraders 5% 3812 3176 12-15 No 1 X    
  Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC) 5% 3812 3176 ∞ * No 0   X  
  Early Adopters (Approval by 2012) 2% 1525 1271 ∞ * Yes 0     X
  Efficient Operators 1% 762 635 ∞ * No 3-6   X  
  Subtotal 13% 9910 8258      
  Total 25% 19058 15881      
  New Sources      
4) New Source Set-Aside (NSSA) 5% 3812 3176 5 No 0   X  
  Total 5% 3812 3176  

* = Allowances are pro rated to the source so long as the source is in operation