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Aerial Assessments

Aerial flyovers were completed for selected TMDL watersheds to analyze the impaired streams and streambanks. Video taping was completed by Fostaire Helicopters, Sauget, IL, using a camera mounted beneath a helicopter to record data from just above tree top level in DVD format for evaluation and assessment.

After videotaping the stream, the DVD tapes were processed by USGS to produce a georeferenced DVD showing flight data and location. Next, USGS identified features from the video and created shapefiles containing the GPS location, type of feature identified, and the time on the DVD to allow cross referencing. The shape-files along with the DVD were then used to identify and locate the points where ground investigations were needed to verify aerial assessment assumptions and gather additional data.

A report for each watershed was developed by Wayne Kinney (the Department of Agriculture) with the assessment and treatment recommendations. A Soil and Water Conservation District in each TMDL watershed was given a copy of Aerial Flyover DVD and the Aerial Assessment Report. Below is the SWCD County office that received copies of both the DVD(s) and the Report. For a copy of the Aerial Assessment Report (in PDF), click on the TMDL watershed below and save a copy of the report or it can be printed. If you would like your own copy of the Aerial Flyover DVD, please contact The Prairie Production Group at (217) 359-4675. There will be a small cost for each DVD copy.