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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Used Tire Management Fund

Money in the Used Tire Management Fund is allocated as follows:

  1. 38% shall be available to the Agency for the following purposes, provided that priority shall be given to item (i):
    1. To undertake preventive, corrective or removal action as authorized by and in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act and to recover costs in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act.
    2. For the performance of inspection and enforcement activities for used and waste tire sites.
    3. To assist with marketing of used tires by augmenting the operations of an industrial materials exchange service.
    4.  To provide financial assistance to units of local government for the performance of inspecting, investigating and enforcement activities at used and waste tire sites pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act.
    5. To provide financial assistance for used and waste tire collection projects sponsored by local government or not-for-profit corporations.
    6. For the costs of fee collection and administration relating to used and waste tires, and to accomplish such other purposes as are authorized by this Act and regulations thereunder.
  2. 23% shall be available to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for the following purposes, provided that priority shall be given to item (A):
    1. To provide grants or loans for the purposes of:
      1. assisting units of local government and private industry in the establishment of facilities and programs to collect, process and utilize used and waste tires and tire derived materials;
      2. demonstrating the feasibility of innovative technologies as a means of collecting, storing, processing and utilizing used and waste tires and tire derived materials; and
      3. applying demonstrated technologies as a means of collecting, storing, processing and utilizing used and waste tires and tire derived materials.
    2. To develop educational material for use by officials and the public to better understand and respond to the problems posed by used tires and associated insects.
    3. To perform such research as the Director deems appropriate to help meet the purposes of this Act.
    4. To pay the costs of administration of its activities authorized under this Act.
  3. 25% shall be available to the Illinois Department of Public Health for the following purposes:
    1. To investigate threats or potential threats to the public health related to mosquitoes and other vectors of disease associated with the improper storage, handling and disposal of tires, improper waste disposal, or natural conditions.
    2. To conduct surveillance and monitoring activities for mosquitoes and other arthropod vectors of disease, and surveillance of animals which provide a reservoir for disease-producing organisms.
    3. To conduct training activities to promote vector control programs and integrated pest management as defined in the Vector Control Act.
    4. To respond to inquiries, investigate complaints, conduct evaluations and provide technical consultation to help reduce or eliminate public health hazards and nuisance conditions associated with mosquitoes and other vectors.
    5. To provide financial assistance to units of local government for training, investigation and response to public nuisances associated with mosquitoes and other vectors of disease.
  4. 2% shall be available to the Department of Agriculture for its activities under the Illinois Pesticide Act relating to used and waste tires.
  5. 2% shall be available to the Pollution Control Board for administration of its activities relating to used and waste tires.
  6. 10% shall be available to the Department of Natural Resources for the Illinois Natural History Survey to perform research to study the biology, distribution, population ecology, and biosystematics of tire-breeding arthropods, especially mosquitoes, and the diseases they spread.