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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Medication Disposal

To find a drop off site near you, request disposal by mail and educational information, visit

Flushing medicines or pouring them down the sink can create the potential for harmful chemicals to end up in our waterways and drinking water. In fact, traces of some medicines have been found in water samples in 30 states, which have been connected to harmful impacts on localized aquatic ecosystems. More informtation on the public health impacts of misusing pharmaceuticals is available from the Illinois Department of Public Health. 

Through the passage of the Drug Take-Back Act (learn more below), every Illinoisian has free access to prescription drug disposal. This Act developed an implementation plan for a statewide network of drop-off sites funded and managed by the pharmaceutical manufacturers. These drop-off sites are located conveniently around the state but mailback envelopes are also available upon request free of charge. To request a pre-paid mailer or find a takeback location near you, please visit the program operator’s websites below.

Any questions regarding the implementation and operation of the Drug Take-Back Plans should be directed to the Program Operators:

MED-Project: For more information, direct inquiries via email to and/or the Help Desk at 1-833-633-7765

Inmar: General Inquiries about the Consumer Drug Take-Back Program Email  phone 1-800-350-0397  Ext. 5


Safe Use and Disposal of Medicine

  • Medicines should always be used as directed and securely stored
  • Unused or unwanted medicines should NOT be flushed down the toilet or poured into the sink
  • Never burn pharmaceuticals or personal care products in a burn barrel. Uncontrolled burning can create dioxins and other air pollutants
  • Proper disposal can help to prevent accidental poisoning, substance abuse, and contamination of water resources
  • Bring your expired and unused medications to an approved location that is convenient for you and can be found at the location finder links below for MED-Project and Inmar.

U.S. EPA has launched a website to provide information to households about proper disposal of leftover medications, including how to use various pharmaceutical take-back programs. This new web area will help the public understand why proper disposal of household medication is needed and what households should and should not do with their unwanted medications. The website will also provide collectors of household medications with information about what they should do with the medications they collect. Check out the new website.

Drug Take-Back Act

On June 10, 2022, Governor Pritzker signed the Drug Take-Back Act into law. Beginning December 1, 2023, every Illinois county will be entitled to at least one medication collection location per 50,000 residents that is financed by pharmaceutical manufacturers. These collection locations will accept both controlled and non-controlled substances free of charge. 

The Drug Take-Back Act established a series of deadlines for pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacies, and potential collection locations between January 1 and December 1, 2023. Every manufacturer of a covered drug, as defined in the Drug Take-Back Act, that is sold or offered for sale in Illinois must register with Illinois EPA and remit the $2,500 registration fee no later than January 1, 2023. This is an annual registration and must be completed before January 1 of each subsequent year following 2023.  A copy of the Manufactuer registration form is available below. Completed forms may be submitted electronically to The registration fee may be paid online or by a check submitted to:

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: Materials Management and Compliance Section- Mail Code #24
2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

By July 1, 2023, each covered manufacturer, collectively through two designated stewardship organizations, submitted to Illinois EPA for review and approval a proposal for the establishment and implementation of a drug take-back program. Illinois EPA had 90 days from receipt to review the proposals and host a 30-day public comment period on the proposals (below). 

Program Plans submitted July 1, 2023:

100% coverage as required pursuant to the Drug Take-Back Act is achieved. Check for coverage locations at the MED-Project and Inmar websites below. 

MED-Project   website:

Inmar   website:

MED-Project Amendment September 20, 2023

MED-Project Amendments Approval

Collection Site locations continue to be added. Please contact MED-Project or Inmar at the links above for the most updated list.

Public Comment Period closed end of business day August 7, 2023. 

Information concerning addendums to the Plans and Illinois EPA's review may be requested by contacting

On September 26, 2023, Illinois EPA approved both Program Proposals for the Drug Take-Back Act Program implementation and establishment in Illinois. As of December 11, 2023, 100% coverage has been achieved. 


Implementation Timeline Drug Take Back.jpg