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Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program

The Energy Efficiency Trust Fund was established to benefit residential electric customers through projects determined to promote energy efficiency in the State of Illinois, with an emphasis on low-income households. This state funding is allocated per 20 ILCS 687/6-6. The Illinois EPA Office of Energy will award funds for energy efficiency projects at properties benefitting residents receiving housing assistance from state and federal programs.

The IEPA Office of Energy has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) expanding eligibility for this program from single family residences to multifamily properties of up to 20 dwelling units and eliminating the requirement of location in an environmental justice area of concern. Please refer to the NOFO for additional details.

Examples of EE Trust Fund projects include:

  • Window replacement
  • HVAC retrofit/upgrade
  • Insulation replacement/installation
  • Programmable thermostat installation
  • Indoor/outdoor lighting upgrades
  • High efficiency appliances (e.g. ENERGY STAR)

Who Can Apply:

Public Housing authorities, units of local government and nonprofit organizations that manage properties serving residents that receive rental assistance, housing choice vouchers or utilize subsidized housing assistance programs.

Project Criteria:

Projects may include single family or multifamily properties of up to 20 dwelling units. (A dwelling unit is defined as a structure or part of a structure used as a residence by a single family.)

Project activities must include improvements or retrofits identified in an energy efficiency assessment conducted in the past 5 years.

Projects must include a detailed plan to communicate with residents about the impact of project activities on energy savings and building comfort.

Awards will be made on a first-come, first serve basis to applicants meeting all eligibility criteria until all funds are expended. The award range is $25,000 to $500,000. Awarded grantee will submit contractor invoices and IL EPA will remit payment to the grantee for payment to contractors. Proof of payment to contractors must be provided to IL EPA.

Still have questions? Review the FAQ Document Link OR send EE Trust Fund Grant Program questions to Rebecca Luke, Office of Energy - Energy Projects Coordinator at

FAQ - Energy Efficiency Trust Fund

Application Forms

If you are having trouble opening any of the pdf documents, please right-click the document link and choose “save as,” then open the downloaded file outside of your internet browser with Acrobat Reader.

Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity

Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program Application Checklist

Uniform Grant Application

Uniform Budget Template

Programmatic Risk Assessment

National Environmental Protection Act Compliance Checklist

Grantee Disclosure


Grant Accountability and Transparency Act

Grant Accountability and Transparency Act or GATA

Grantee-Pre-Award Requirements