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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Quarterly Groundwater and Leachate Monitoring Data

The links to the groundwater and leachate monitoring data for Clinton Landfill 3, starting with the second quarter of 2013, are listed below. The data include:

  1. the labels or designations of the monitoring points,
  2. the dates that measurements were taken or samples were collected at the sampling points,
  3. the measurements or test results,
  4. the descriptions of the parameters for which the monitoring points were measured or the samples collected from them were tested and the units in which results are being reported. 

Monitoring point designations that start with EX are piezometers. Those that start with G or R are groundwater monitoring wells and those that start with L, C or M are leachate monitoring points. For more information on the groundwater and leachate monitoring programs for Clinton Landfill 3 see the special conditions and attachments to Clinton Landfill 3's most recent permit letter.

The symbol "<" stands for "less than" and a "<" in front of a result indicates that the concentration of that parameter in the sample was less than the detection limit.

Quarterly Groundwater and Leachate Data: