Submission Sample
Please note: All results (02 Record) must be submitted with a corresponding 01 Record for that sampling event.
LPCSM01A 1000000000 G101 020800 _ 000000 041500 000000000000 _ 1053 _ L __ ODOR=NONE COLOR=NONE TURB=LOW MP=TOP OF CASING ________________________ LPCSM01A1000000000G102020900 000000041500000000000000 1145 L ODOR=STRONG COLOR=BLACK TURB=HIGH MP=TOP OF STICKUP
LPCSM02A 1000000000 G101 020800 _ 00011 _ 2 > 0006569999 LPCSM02A1000000000G101020800 00094 012500 LPCSM02A1000000000G102020900 00011 0007530000 LPCSM02A1000000000G102020900 00094 089650
---- THIS IS APPLICABLE TO BOTH THE 01 RECORD AND THE 02 RECORD ---- The first 7 spaces (LPCSM01 and 02) must be present with each record. The 8th space is the Add Code "A", which must also be present with each record. The next 10 spaces are the site number, followed by monitoring point designation (4 spaces), then the date of sample collection (6 spaces). The 29th space must always be blank. ---- APPLICABLE TO THE 01 RECORD ---- Spaces 30 through 35 must be blank or can be filled with 0's. Spaces 36 through 41 is the report due date (6 spaces) Spaces 42 through 47 must be blank or filled with 0's (6 spaces) Spaces 48 through 53 can be blank or filled with 0's. Space 54 is for background sample designation. Spaces 55 through 58 (4 spaces) are for the time of sample collection. Space 59 is for unable to collect sample designation. Space 60 is for monitor point sampled by designation. Space 61 is for sample field filtered - inorganics. Space 62 is for sample field filtered - organics. Spaces 63 through 102 (40 spaces) are for sample appearance. Spaces 103 through 142 (40 spaces) are for collector comments. Spaces 150 through 199 (50 spaces) are for lab comments. At this point the entry for the next monitoring point begins, repeating the above. ---- APPLICABLE TO THE 02 RECORD ---- Beginning with space 30: Spaces 30 through 34 (5 spaces) are for the storet number. Space 35 is for remarks. Space 36 is for replicate. NOTE: The first result is to be left blank. Subsequent results for the same storet number are numbered sequentially beginning with "2". Space 37 is for less than/greater than (< or >) designation. Spaces 38 through 47 (10 spaces, five to the left of the decimal point and five to the right) are for the result. The result does not need to include any leading 0's or trailing 0's even though the example above contains both. The use of 0's may be used to serve as place holders for the result. At this point the entry for the next storet number, same monitoring point, begins. ---- The process continues for each monitoring point and each constituent result until all have been entered. ----