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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) is to safeguard environmental quality, consistent with the social and economic needs of the State of Illinois, so as to protect health, welfare, property, and the quality of life. In support of this mission statement, the following program goals have been developed:

  1. Provide leadership to chart a new course for clean air, which is responsive to relevant needs in Illinois and complies with priority aspects of the Clean Air Act Amendments.
  2. Address outstanding solid and hazardous waste management concerns and participate, as appropriate, in the national deliberations on reauthorization of the hazardous waste program.
  3. Utilize creative means to address the priority needs for clean and safe water in Illinois and participate, as appropriate, in the national deliberations on reauthorization of the water programs.
  4. Enhance capability to fund environmental cleanup, when necessary, and to provide better service for private party actions.
  5. Promote pollution prevention and market-based approaches for continued environmental progress.
  6. Develop an environmental planning capability that emphasizes risk-based analysis, good science and sound data, and open communication and informed participation.

Strategic Management Directions

  1. Pursue the State's environmental interests in concert with applicable national environmental programs.
  2. Produce sound environmental decisions that are conducive to environmental progress.
  3. Strengthen the government framework for environmental protection in Illinois.
  4. Foster innovation, systems improvement, and human resource development.
  5. Stress responsiveness to relevant publics.

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