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We've Moved: The Illinois EPA Headquarters has moved to 2520 W Iles Ave, PO Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

The Illinois EPA Electric Vehicle Rebate application cycle is open between January 21 and April 30, 2025.

The Application and Instructions are posted below. Read all materials carefully to help avoid a denial. The Illinois EPA has a Frequently Asked Questions document that answers many common questions.

Applications must be postmarked during the rebate application cycle and within 90 days of purchase and meet all other eligibility criteria (see below FAQ document). 

The Illinois General Assembly has appropriated $14 million for rebates in the current fiscal year. Low-income applicants are given priority for rebates. The rebate program has frequently been oversubscribed so timely submittal of your application will improve your chance of receiving a rebate.Applicants will be provided a rebate to the extent funding allows. In the event of oversubscription, an announcement regarding the lack of funding availability for additional non-low income applications will be posted to this site.

Illinois residents that purchase a new or used all-electric vehicle from an Illinois licensed dealer may be eligible for an Illinois' Electric Vehicle Rebate in the amounts set forth below.

  • A $4,000 rebate for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle that is not an electric motorcycle.
  • A $1,500 rebate for the purchase of an all-electric motorcycle.

Applicants must apply for the rebate during an open rebate cycle and within 90-days of vehicle purchase using the application forms available on this webpage during the open rebate cycle.

Eligibility requirements for an EV rebate in Illinois include, but are not limited to:

  • The purchaser must reside in Illinois at time of vehicle purchase and at the time the rebate is issued.
  • The vehicle must be purchased from a dealer located in Illinois and licensed by the Illinois Secretary of State. Rented or leased vehicles do not qualify for the rebate.
  • The vehicle cannot have been the subject of a previous EV rebate under this program in Illinois.
  • Only individuals can receive a rebate and can only receive one rebate. Businesses, government units, organizations, and other entities that are not individuals will be denied a rebate. 
  • The rebate amount cannot exceed the purchase price of the vehicle.
  • The purchaser must retain ownership of the vehicle for a minimum of 12 consecutive months immediately after the vehicle purchase date.
  • The purchaser must apply for the rebate within 90-days after the vehicle purchase date.

The Illinois EPA has developed a Frequently Asked Questions (en Español) document to answer questions about the program. Program rules with complete requirements are found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 275, which applicants are encouraged to review prior to submitting an application.

Rebate Application Funding

Read all materials carefully to help avoid a denial. The Illinois EPA has a Frequently Asked Questions (en Español) document that answers many common questions.

The Illinois EPA will not provide a verification of receipt. If you want to know whether your application was received you should send via a method that provides a receipt, such as certified mail.

Please note that the Illinois EPA's address has recently changed. The correct addess to send your application is found on the above application form.

Along with the application form, an applicant must submit FOUR types of documentation:

  1. Copy of the bill of sale, purchase invoice, or purchase agreement from an Illinois dealership;
  2. Documentation of proof of purchase, such as a copy of a canceled check, an invoice or bill showing that the applicable amount has been paid and that no remaining balance exists, or loan documents. Depending on the type of sales document used by the dealership, the proof of purchase could be shown on the invoice or agreement, such as a $0 balance owed to the dealer. Separate proof of purchase documentation will be needed if the invoice shows a balance and/or that an amount is owed to the dealer. In such cases, payment documentation will need to be provided and the payment or loan amount(s) will need to match the "owed amount" on the invoice;
  3. Copy of the Illinois vehicle registration or temporary permit provided by the dealership at the time of sale/delivery (applications for vehicle registration do not satisfy the requirement); and
  4. IRS W-9 or W-8 form (see link below) (substitutions for these forms using other government documents or financial statements are not acceptable).

Applicants are asked to only submit the above requested forms and documentation in their application, and not include other items not needed to process the application, such as those related to warranty coverage, insurance, vehicle title, power of attorney, and similar.

IRS Form Links


If an application is ineligible or incomplete, the applicant will receive a letter from the Illinois EPA stating such. The regulations for the EV Rebate Program provide for appeal to the Director of the Illinois EPA of an Illinois EPA decision denying a rebate application. See the requirements for an appeal in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 275.250. An appeal must be postmarked within 30 days after the date of mailing of the denial. Per Illinois regulations, appeals must specify which provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 275 (‘Part 275’) the applicant alleges that the Agency did not properly apply and an explanation of how the Agency misapplied them. Also per regulations, the Director can only reverse a rebate denial if the applicable procedures and requirements in Part 275 were indeed misapplied by the Agency. He cannot reverse a denial for other reasons based on an individual’s personal circumstances. Note also that the Agency does not have the ability to change or disregard statutory or regulatory requirements, including the requirement that an application must be postmarked within 90 days of vehicle purchase.

VIN Lookup

A vehicle being purchased may not have previously been the subject of a rebate under the Electric Vehicle Rebate Program. The table below identifies the vehicles that have received a rebate.

Year Make Model VIN

Fiscal Year 2025 Rebate Information (current as of March 6, 2025)

Low Income Applications Received 600
Low Income Rebates Awarded 276
Non-Low Income Applications Received 2408
Non-Low Income Rebates Awarded 0

Fiscal Year 2024 Rebate Information

Low Income Applications Received 803
Low Income Rebates Awarded 622
Non-Low Income Applications Received 4,784
Non-Low Income Rebates Awarded 2378

Fiscal Year 2023 Rebate Information

Low Income Applications Received 754
Low Income Rebates Awarded 535
Non-Low Income Applications Received 6915
Non-Low Income Rebates Awarded 4337

Rebate Payments

Rebate information will not be found at the below link until after invoices are sent to the Comptroller's Office. 

Looking for your rebate payment?

The Illinois Office of Comptroller has an established Vendor Payments query system that displays Issued and Pending Payments among other non-confidential information. The direct link to the "Vendor Payments" screen is

Instructions for Accessing Vendor Payments for Issued and Pending Payments are located (here)

--links can and may change at any given time.

EV Listserv Signup

To receive information about Illinois EPA EV programs, signup using our EV Listserv signup. Once you enter your information below, you will receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your signup.

Email address:
(optional) Your name:

Links to other EV information and data

Alternative Fuels Data Center - Website with information on federal incentives for EVs and charging infrastructure

Drive Electric - Joint EV website of the federal Department of Transportation and Department of Energy

Electric Fueling Station Locator - at the Alternative Fuels Data Center